Welcome to Casa de Pollo!
It's done, the coop is officially open for guests of the feathered variety. We had a bluebird weekend and made the final big push to get construction finished. We had stalled some due to weather and busy schedules. This weekend we pulled out all the stops, proving once again that my husband and I make quite a team.

So chick chicks, what do you think of your new accommodations? Oh happy chickens indeed. I have to say, after long days, sore muscles, and my shoulders burnt to a warm red glow (I was on my way to put on sun screen at one point and must have been interrupted), I sat back as evening was coming on and admired our handy work. I really am quite pleased and proud of this little hen house.

Yes, that's a little window box you see there, ready for some cheery flowers. My man has managed to dissuade me from sewing curtains for the window, up till now...but I may not be able to help myself.

Hmmm...what's this, a curious cat? Wondering perhaps if chicken is on the menu.

Nope. Kona, the Buddha cat, would rather nap. Fran however, is keeping an eye on him just in case.
After dark, the chicks all cozy in their house, my man and I sat down to enjoy the summer night and the satisfaction of a job well done. We brought out the guitar and made up a little tune about our coop adventure. We call it
Chicken Folk.
I hope you all enjoyed the nickle tour, thanks for stopping by.