Now I know I said I was was getting back together with my sewing machine on Monday, however there was the strange incident in the day all to do with a cast iron skillet that had gone missing. It was such an epic mystery and drove me absolutely bonkers. Off my rocker I was - with the searching high, low and everywhere in between... and I do mean everywhere! Each time I told myself that was enough of this nonsense, time to get to work... I would search the cupboards for the third or fourth time to no avail. Finally, I had to make dinner for the family and had to give up the search. The cast iron skillet (the one that took years to season to perfection and cooks like a dream) was never found, and no stitching was done that day.
Yesterday I allowed myself no such distractions. I always find that a good way to get back into the stitchy swing of things is to sew up a tried and true simple dress for my girl. This time it was an old go to pattern, McCall's 4547, which is sadly now out of print. I have traced this pattern many times, from size 3-4 up to 10-12. it is so easy to sew, except for the fiddly fit of the sleeves. I keep meaning to modify them, but I never have. It is a favorite for the comfort factor. This time I made it up in a black and pink batik. It currently adorns my girl at school today, so I'm guessing it's a hit.

Since the dress took less than 2 hours from cut out to hemming, I had some time to start drafting a pattern for a bamboo handle bag. I made up a test version in an ugly green fabric I have lying about for just this sort of thing. I found it adequate, but really lacking in interest of design. I just wasn't inspired enough to make it up in pretty fabric. I did make some additional sketches and think I am on the right road now. Back to the drafting table!
Lastly, I started a small organizing project of my trims and lacy bits. To be honest I did not get very far with it. It was too much fun to look through them and imagine what to make with them! Ah well.
It was time well spent on the whole and I think that my machine and I are back on friendly terms and ready to stitch up a storm.
Are you working on any projects right now, I'd love to hear!
P.S. I meant to thank everyone for your kind comments on
this post! You made me feel so much better with your sweet words and I do believe you helped me to mend. Thank you!