

Getting to know me...

Alexandra Smith of Lola Nova
Mother, artist, thrifty bohemian homemaker, crafter and musician.  A woman born of gypsy blood, many miles and several life-times have brought me here. After making my weaving way, rambling near and far for many years I have sent down some roots and have settled in Portland, Oregon; where I reside in a little green cottage with my sweet family, the Buddha Cat, 13 fish (an ever fluctuating populace), 3 lovely lady chickens and a dressmaker’s dummy named Tiny Alice.
I love to work with my hands, creating beautiful, useful things with an eclectic feel. Re-purposing the formerly loved and cast aside, re-making into something new and joyful - is just part of the living.  I especially cotton to  designing children’s clothes that have a sense of humor and whimsy. Making my journals, bags, hook books, and quilts - using vintage fabrics and unexpected color play, keeps me engaged and grounded whilst my head is often in the clouds day dreaming.