
Monday, September 30, 2013

Wind and Rain

Oh my but it is a gloomy Monday! We are having quite the storm here in our neck of the woods. Pouring rain and blustery winds since the start of the weekend. As of yet, we have not quite been washed away, but I have had moments of concern.

What better way to spend a stormy Monday then to unpack some pretties in the new studio? It really is thrilling to be putting my fabric up in it's new home!

Even Tiny Alice is getting into the spirit and fighting off the wicked weather by wearing her most Springy of aprons, getting dressed up for the Grand Opening even though it is still sometime off.

So that's where you'll find me today, unpacking and pottering about in my studio, feeling very grateful indeed to have a room of my own.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Amazings

Quite some time ago I heard about an organisation called The Amazings in the UK. A group that is dedicated to passing on handcrafted knowledge from wise elders to the next generations. Now that is amazing! I would love to take part in something like that, to learn hands on from those who have so much to share and teach. Alas, I do not live in the UK, ah well.

Then earlier this year I was contacted by The Amazings and learned that they are doing video courses! They were kind enough to let me preview a couple of videos and I was again, amazed. What wonderful quality videos storing a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips!

From the site, I found this statement and found it to be very true

Mastery and Wisdom, Brilliantly Shared.
Well, how about I let you watch the video below as an introduction, to give you a sense of their fantastic purpose.

One of the best parts of this, is that the courses are affordable and quite accessible. I have it in mind to take one on Altered Books and one on Home-dyed Jewelry, and ... so many to choose from really.

I highly recommend you go take a look see at The Amazings site, it is near impossible to not be inspired by this group's dedication. I see too, that they are adding new courses all of the time.

The Amazings have been quite generous with my readers, offering a free course! Just go sign up HERE!

I truly love what The Amazings are doing. It is important and useful work and a great deal of fun!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Settling In

Slowly, but ever so surely, we are beginning to settle in bit by bit to our new home. There are still an unnerving amount of boxes piled up in the garage, but we chip away little by little. In a while everything will be nice and cozy for Fall. The temperature has taken a sudden dip on the day of the harvest moon! I can't say I am prepared for the change of seasons, but the seasons have never consulted with me as to my readyness or not, and tend to come on anyway.

My Grandmother's hot pink velvet love seat has finally found a home and that makes me quite happy indeed.
And though she's a delicate thing, made for Victorian Ladies with small bird-like features and handkerchiefs, she does look awfully pretty in the living room light.

As for the studio, oh my good gravy. We did some wall bashing of course, then I went on to spend 3 tedious days painting the walls that we left behind. Many coats of paint later and it is starting to really look like something! There is still the sticky issue of proper lighting and wiring, best left to professionals to switch that business around you know.  As I have grown a bit itchy to get back to it, I did start to move in just a little.

Tiny Alice was somewhat miffed that I had taken some previous photos of her in undress, so I've made sure to protect her modesty with an old French nightgown for the picture.
So looking forward to doing some stitching again, the ideas have been buzzing!

Well, I hope I haven't bored you to tears with my tales of moving in, but it is my world at the moment. I am saving my strength since I do have some pretty great things to share with you all next week!
Until then my lovelies, be safe, be well!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Of Produce and Progress

Oh my good gravy! It has been one crazy Summer! I shant bore you with slippery details. I'll just get straight to the Produce Aisle of today's post.

Welcome to the front/back-yard farmer's market! 

Oh I do think I need to come up with a fitting name for the new garden. Any thoughts? Lola's Retreat? Alex's Acres? NirvanaNova? No... it will come to me I'm sure. Oops, sidetracked there for a moment. 

That big Tom there took both hands to hold it. It was so big in fact, that when Pony Girl tried to bring it into the kitchen, it was far too bulky to handle and it leapt from her small hands and crashed with a squooshy thud on the floor. There was a moment of silence as we believed it was indeed a very sad end to a truly impressive tomato. Upon closer inspection we saw that despite a bit of bashing and bruising and breaking in half, there was still plenty of good tomato left to slice and eat with bread, basil and a drizzle of olive oil!

The Delicata squash is nearly there.

The figs are coming on gangbusters! My first attempt at drying a few in the dehydrator was a bit of a bust. Tonight's fig and sweet onion jam should have better results.

And the jelly cupboard is getting fuller by the week! I have discovered the joys of ginger cardamom pear butter!

Now that I have distracted you with the bounty of my garden, I shall move on to the Progress portion of this post.

Since last we chatted, we have acquired a dining table and chairs for the dining room. Previously loved of course. It is the very first proper dining table I have personally owned in all my life. As I am going on a few freckles past 44, this strikes me as quite a feat! Our extended family dinners are sure to be much more comfortable and sociable now that we can all eat at the same table.

A few of my knickknacks have shed their boxes and wrapping paper to make temporary camp on the shelves of the Aqua laundry room/wet bar. There is a little cocktail cart discreetly out of frame. 

This isn't pretty, but progress has definitely been made on my studio. We've been bashing down walls and exposing the brick, which incidentally is the name of my next album. Painting and lighting come next.

Progress was also made today on perfecting my Chai spice blend recipe. I am soooo close!

In that mug up there is one of my favorite things; Chocolate Chai Tea!

Well, that concludes the Produce and Progress report for today. Have a gorgeous weekend all!