
Monday, November 10, 2008

So I Turned Myself To Face Me


I have been wanting to post for a while but, I think I have been simply absorbing the events of the past week. On my mind these days is not only the historic events that have taken place on a national level but, also the changes that have been taking place in my own smaller, personal universe. Change indeed.

I am struck by the realization that Obama will be the first President recognisable to my daughter (given her age), this hits me in a powerful and emotional way. I don't know yet what kind of President he will turn out to be, but I am grateful that myself and my daughter have been witnesses to this change.

The more humble side of change surrounds motherhood, family, work, home, creativity and well-being. I don't yet know the outcome of all of these events but, I am grateful for today, and hopeful for the future.

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