
Friday, February 27, 2009


Today I had a date with the lovely Miss K to go downtown to The Museum Of Contemporary Craft. We saw an exhibit by Mandy Greer, an artist that works with textiles and fibers. Really interesting pieces done in miles of crocheted ropes, beads, buttons and other mediums. I really enjoyed the exhibit and it gave me some curious ideas.

Then, we strolled around downtown Portland going into galleries, stopping for coffee and french pastry. We talked about the art that we saw, our own art and all the creative processing and handicaps we share. As we sat on the park bench talking, I realized that I hadn't done this sort of thing in ages and ages. It was a blast and I made a mental note to do this sort of thing more often. It was inspiring and grounding both. It got my wheels turning and reminded me that sometimes we must dare.

We ended our adventure by making a craft date for this coming Tuesday. I will be sure to fill you in on the making and the mess after it happens.
It was a good day.

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