
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pink Stinks...Or Not

When I was a little girl my favorite color was pink, but only by default - because purple was already taken. My older brother's favorite color was purple and he was not particularly good at sharing. He refused to allow his little sister to share the same favorite color as himself so, pink it was. I grew to be wild for pink. When I was eight, my father built our crazy house in the woods and I got to pick out my carpet and wall paper. Yup, you guessed it, pink and pink - with a crystal chandelier to boot, hanging from the raw timber ceiling - if you can imagine. Over the years however; my passion for pink subsided, then died away, and then turned into outright loathing. I think it may have had something to do with teenage angst and a rebellion against the pink pastel sweaters my mother was always forcing upon me. In any case, my aversion to pink continued well into my early adult years.
Over time, my feelings about pink simply became ambivalent. I am not especially drawn to it. I own one shirt that may be considered to be in the pink family but, beyond that I don't give it much thought. That is, until recently...

Right now I have pink on the brain. My next project is my daughter's Birthday Dress. She has only a few specific requests:
1. It must be PINK
2. It must be twirly
3. It must have an under skirt that is also PINK
4. It must have ribbon and fluffle (ruffle) that are PINK
Well, the girl knows what she likes.
So, I have been on a mad hunt to stockpile my remarkably pink less stash with all things girly and PINK. Now, I just have to figure out how it will all come together in one super-duper 4 year old worthy masterpiece. Ummm...sure.
Wish me luck.


  1. Wow, good luck with the pink project!

    The trip photos are gorgeous! I love the first sunset one - I keep imagining things in the cloud shapes! Looks like you had a grand time!

    I'm SO pleased that your girl likes the little felted creatures and the story. I wrote it on a bit of a whim and wondered if I was losing my marbles trying to write a story, but it seems it worked very well. So perfect that you brought a seashell too! Is it OK if I do a blog post about the felted things? I thought it would be a fun thing to blog about.

  2. Claire, of course you can do a blog post. I was going to one myself but have not had the chance. You should show off your talent and creativity! And my girl still wants the story every night. :)

  3. I hope you find the perfect pink provisions for the project! pppppp...... One of my favorite colors is pink too!

  4. Hi - I recently found your blog... love it! Your vacation sounds - umm, incredible. AND - the PINK dress quest... how fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with!


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