
Saturday, May 9, 2009


The baby chicks have arrived! Oh goodness aren't they sweet? Excuse the dark photo, I did not want to blind our new babies with a flash. We picked out our chicks at Urban Farm Store and set them up in a cozy spot in the basement. It is hard for my girl to leave them be and not harass them with cuddles but, she seems to understand that they need their rest. We each got to name one.

Fran = Rhode Island Red
Tweet Tweet = Buff Orpington
Irma = Gold Laced Wyandotte

Now, we have 6 weeks to finish the coop and watch our little ones grow. Be sure I will keep you all updated on their new lives with our family. Hurray Chickens!


  1. You named yours Irma because time is on your side, right? XOXO

  2. Stacey, have I told you lately how much you rock?

  3. omg they are so cute!
    love the names too :)

  4. This article made me think of you guys - it mentions Portland as being one of urban chicken friendly locales...

  5. Have the critters watch this:

    For their education.

    ;-) -N.

  6. I can't wait to meet the chicks! So excited to see how the coop is coming along.


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