
Friday, May 15, 2009

Lola Nova 101

Well, I've hit my 101st post. I was going to strike up an impromptu parade with marching band, confetti and maybe some of those little cars the Shriners drive but, something else came up.

I have to thank all of the lovely folks that I have met through this webby rambling spot. You have encouraged, inspired and motivated me more than you could know. So, thanks, thanks a lot.

I was going to write a long winded sappy post to go along with this momentous occasion but, as I said, something else came up.

I have been so very busy crafting away these days and most of my current projects are due to this here blog-a-ma-boo. Unfortunately, I can't show any of these projects, I can however, give a sneak peek.

This is very exciting! I have been chosen for the honor of pattern tester by Melissa at Wondermommy. She is about to launch an incredible E Book Pattern and needed some stitchers to work up some samples. I am so pleased to be part of this. Thank you Melissa! Let me tell you, she has a winner, this pattern is awesome!

Here are some other previews of things in the works.
There's this...

and this...

I would show you more and tell you more but...
something has come up...the water.
The water's 1 foot high and risin'
My basement flooded...and if i can keep moving I might be able to keep from weeping, it has been a rough week.
The chick chicks got soaked. Don't worry they are fine.
The rest of my basement (where my sewing area is) with all our stuff (which is now on our back deck) is wet, wet, wet.

I'll have to get back to you later.
Many thanks for all the love.


  1. first- i'm sorry about the water. that totally blows!

    now- OMG! just the peek at the bear made me all teary eyed- good god must be the ridiculous pregnant hormones- either that or you are just REALLY good at what you do.
    he's perfect. i love him! :)

  2. I can't believe you have had that much water. I'm so sorry.

  3. Oh Honey i hope your basement dries out quick for you! I've had that happen too and it's not fun...I love your sneak peek projects! Can't wait to see them all the way!

  4. Hope everything is alright now.
    Woh well done 101 post, keep it up!!!


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