
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

By the Bay

Wow. Hard to believe it is June already. I have been taking a break from the computer to spend time with my family and enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having. I even got to take a trip to the coast and get my toes in the sand. Ahh.

If I haven't stopped by to say hi, forgive me. I will try to catch up soon.

In other news, I have received 4 custom orders in the last week and will be busy racing my sewing machine towards the finish line. It's exciting and nerve racking at the same time. My posts here may suffer a bit but, I will have lots to show you in the coming weeks.

Until next time, have a lovely first week of June!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dear Lola Nova!

    Thank you for the mush ;-) I accept all mush freely and willingly. Sorta. ;-))

    I couldn't link to the pattern you were speaking of, but I roamed around Lola Nova Land and saw "Devotion and Doubt". Girly-girl, that dress has got it going on! Totally. If that's your pattern, that needs to happen. Just does. (Might consider some elastic casings here and there for the zipper-adverse...there are quite a few of them...).

    Good luck!



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