Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Oh My Darlin'

Oh my darlin'

Oh My Darlin' Clementine Skirt from Lola Nova.

As the last of the light begins to seep from the sky, a barefoot girl in braids runs pell-mell through the woods. She 'whoops' and 'hollers'; she leaps after dragon flies, and sings a song her mama taught her (she changes the words). She hops and twirls in her skirt of many colors. She spies a spider and and exclaims, "Oh, he's so beautiful, he's my best friend!" Just then, her mama shouts from the garden yonder, "Clementine, come here a minute and try this on for me, I want to take some pictures!" Suddenly, the brown eyed girl bursts out from the leaves - scattering the chickens with a squawk and a huff. "No thank you," she says sweetly, then turns on her heels singing back into the trees.

Original design and pattern from Lola Nova. Girls size 6. This makes item #3 completed for the 'Etsy Experiment'.
...and oh, on that topic, I have a wee bit of gossip for you! I'm afraid it's going to have to wait 'till next time though, I'm a woman pressed for time.


Aussie-waffler said...

It's lovely, especially the little bows.

Anonymous said...

That's so pretty. Unfortunately my daughter is a real tomboy so getting her to wear anything that isn't jeans is a real battle!

A Bun Can Dance said...

I'd love to wear that!! And by the way, Clementine is one of my most favourite names...
Thank you for popping by again, I do love reading your comments. And I loved the way you described the sea as whispering and calling to us - you are so right - that is just how it is for me, when I have to take my trips to LR. I hope you can go to your 'calling ocean' very soon.
Happy days

Pomona said...

Lovely, lovely - I wish I were 6 again! Or even had a 6-year-old to buy it for!

Pomona x

Nicki CK said...

OMG--my daughter would LOVE LOVE LOVE that skirt! It's asbolutely beautiful! Please tell me you are selling a pattern for this!?! Where can I get one?

Anonymous said...

I never get tired of telling you how talented you are!!! Honest, I really did make little dresses for Diane when she was your baby's age! Nothing, however, compared to this.

Nancy in Iowa

lifeshighway said...

adorable and wistful over my daughter being too old to wear it.

Stacey said...

Stop it...that is so adorable I can hardley stand it. Bravo!!!!

Mare said...

Oh that skirt is BEAUTIFUL! And you are such a tease with the Etsy secret! Tellus!tellus!tellus!!!!

Relishedartistry said...

That. is. precious!! You are gonna make a lot of little girls and their mommas very very happy with this! Excellent, Lola! How wonderful!

diane said...

just adorable!
so unfair boys clothes can't be as fun.
i can totally see stella telling a spider he was her best friend :)