Thursday, October 1, 2009

Green and Fuzzy - My Creative Space

Well, the sickness has taken me. One of those real wallop of an ick that has laid me out. I had so much I wanted to catch up on here but, I fear my capacity for sentence formation is next to nil. So, It's all going to have to wait. Instead, I will share with you my re-entry into the world of crochet.

While glued to the couch yesterday, I took up some old bulky yarn and a fat hook (my first time using one) and commenced to crochet a neck warmer. Oh sad little thing it turned out to be. I was less than impressed with my first foray into hooking in over 3 years. Still, I am going to be brave and give you a gander. The color did nothing to improve my ill pallor I can tell you.

Yes, much work is needed to improve my stitch consistency. I will try again.
I will also be back when my head is in less a deep dark fog.

Have a lovely day!


Teresa p said...

I like the color, but I can see how it would not look so good while you're sick. Congrats on the etsy shop.

Anonymous said...

Actually, not bad for a 3-year lapse. If I decide to try again I'll need Crocheting for Old Dummies, because I haven't done this since Diane was about 2 or 3. Damn, that's a long time ago!

I'm afraid I agree that the color would not help a sick face....

Nancy in Iowa

Debra said...

hmmmm...maybe a little more moss and that colour might be the brooch...very sweet. Hope you are 'up and at em' soon...OH! and congrats on the shop...good luck :)

Pomona said...

It will be fine when your cheeks are rosy again - complementary colours and all that! Get well soon!

Pomona x

Pia K said...

i think it looks cute, well done for a 'first go'! i made a wool-mohair collar some years ago, in the same colour as this, it's a lovely hue i think (though ridiculously enough i haven't worn the collar yet, sometimes the work is much more fun that the end piece).
hope you're feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Oh that colour looks beautiful! I'd be so happy if I could crochet like that!!

Alisa : Ink Caravan said...

Oh you poor thing! My deepest sympathies, the same nasty bug has just done the rounds at ours too. Take it easy, even craftiness can wait.

Leah said...

Im such a big fan of neck warmers..having short hair and all. I love what you made, but I can see how the colour may turn you even greener.

Mare said...

I like it! I think you did just fine! I even like the color, tho while you are sick that color green might not be so attractive...

Aussie-waffler said...

Admittedly I know nothing about crotcheting, but I think your efforts whilst in the grips of the dreaded lurgies look pretty darn good. Hope you feel better quick smart.

Aussie-waffler said...

Umm oops, can't even spell the word it would seem, 'crocheting' even. But just for the record, I don't know anything about crotcheting either :)

Umatji said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I love the pic at the top - wonderful. I also love the green neck work - two of my favourite things. Inspiring!

lifeshighway said...

Neck warmers are one of my favorites things. Once winter sets in, I start pulling mine out. It never occurred to me at actually crochet one. As far as the uneven stitches go, I find the larger the hook the harder to maintain a consistent tension for that smooth look. Keep working and it will come back to you.

A Bun Can Dance said...

Get well soon! Sorry to hear you are struck with an nasty lurgy. The collar is lovely, great colour, but maybe not right for the sickbed, or sick sofa.
I'm so happy that you are getting along well with Pia K - isn't she great fun? Happy Writing!
Denise x

dottie angel said...

it just screams 'crocheted goodness' to me :)
quite honestly from where i am sitting it looks pretty fab to me...
hope you boot mr lurgy out the door pretty smart. you have an etsy store that needs you :)

Tif x

StaroftheEast said...

Hope you'll get better soon!!
Your new Etsy shop looks wonderful already!

Nikki said...

Your neckwarner looks toasty warm. I hope you are feeling better and have found your way out of the deep dark fog.

Anonymous said...

I do hope you're getting better!


Kirsty said...

Feel better soon & enjoy your crochet rediscovery.