
Friday, October 30, 2009

The Lost Art of Letter Writing

Some time ago, Denise from A Bun Can Dance, organized a letter writing swap. I thought it a rather swell idea as I have so missed receiving honest to goodness letters in the mail. Lovely, tangible, pen to paper landing in the post makes for an excitement and anticipation - that in this push button world, is sadly lacking. I wistfully recalled my younger self penning sheafs of longhand letters to friends and family. Wouldn't it be grand to get back to those nearly forgotten times? So, join up I did and waited for my partner to be revealed.

The very lovely Pia from Stockholm, Sweden, was my letter swap partner. She has a wonderful blog and takes amazing photos, go check her out! I am delighted with my swap partner, through her, I am learning more about the beautiful place that she lives and having the opportunity to get to know a new and lovely woman. She crochets stunning things, makes fantastic jewelry, and as I said before, takes gorgeous photographs.

I just received her letter the other day, I was filled with that same excitement and anticipation that I remembered from times past. What a wonderful package of happiness!

There was a sweet tote bag, some delicious smelling tea and chocolate (which I am saving for a quiet moment to try), a guide to Stockholm and of course, a handwritten letter of many pages. I waited till everyone was in bed and read the letter while curled up on the couch, such a treat.

She also included a pair of over the moon pretty earrings and a crocheted wrist cuff that she made. I have been wearing them since they arrived, oh lucky me!

I have to admit that letter writing is a habit not easily revived. I struggled with my own letter and found that the letter I wished to write had trouble finding it's way out of my head and onto the paper. It used to be so easy, or that is how I remember it, and it makes me a little sad that I have lost that. If I could just keep at it and cultivate that habit once again...

Despite getting some really awesome stuff in the post, the part that I have found most exciting about this swap, is the new friendship with someone I may have never known if it weren't for the swap. Many thanks to Denise for putting this together.

Have a grand, safe, and spooky weekend. I will be back on Monday with tales of thrifting goodness!


  1. i'm so happy with my letter swapping partner too, alex:)

    i'm glad you enjoyed the things i sent, i will be blogging about all the sweet things i got from you soon hopefully (as i darn it big time have another cold/flu/whatever thing visiting again *sigh*) - the letter was grand and i do agree of it being such a wonderful thing to be able to exchange, like one once did so often. in another lifetime.

    happy halloweening!

  2. Lucky you, they are truly lovely gifts. The earrings are beautiful! Such a great swap idea, I'm curious as to what you write to someone you hardly know? That must have been challenging.

  3. What a nice idea, and extra special to receive some extra, very thoughtful goodies as well. Lucky you!

  4. Hello there!
    It makes my heart sing happily to read about your lovely experience with the letter writing swap. I just knew that you would get along famously with Pia as you are both such lovely and creative people. What an amazing package of goodies you received you lucky thing!
    Enjoy it all - and, to echo a certain TV Show: Keeeeeep Writing !!
    Denise x

  5. What a beautiful idea! You took me way, way back - one of my cousins and I constantly wrote to each other when we were young. My Mom was a prolific letter writer throughout her life, even still jotting some notes when she was over 100. In fact, she actually found a pen pal when she was 98 - I don't remember how it started, but the 2 lovely old ladies wrote for a couple of years. I still write (although via email) an English pen pal I first hooked up with 50 years ago!

    So now you've planted the seed - I have a dear cousin who does not have a computer and whom I owe a long overdue letter. My hands no longer enjoy holding the pen, so I'm going to head off and type a letter to him. Gotta bring him up-to-date on my move and my pending grandmotherhood!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  6. What a fab swap notion! I trust you used EXTRA curly writing with a great many swishes!

  7. A wonderful idea. I am afraid my hand would cramp up with the effort of actually taking pen to paper.

  8. Great story. I had no idea that these exchanges still existed. Thanks for sharing.


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