
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Playing House in My Creative Space

Just playing around whilst awaiting my muse. She's gone missing and I can't do a thing without her.

Check much more creative spaces here


  1. How pretty arrangement, it looks inspirational to me! And thanks for paying a visit to my blog:)

  2. I've just been browsing through your lovely blog - thanks so much for visiting mine! :D Very sweet arrangement - nice way to pass the time :)

    Love the button plates BTW!

  3. oh how i relish the space filled with buttons and such...and the garland...sigh

  4. So sweet! The buttons are beautiful, and I really like the banner - that was a great idea!

  5. I could send you a list to go with..:) Love the bunting..

  6. That looks pretty creative to me - creativity takes many different forms!

    Pomona x

  7. Oh my Muse, she's gone missing and I can't do a thing without her.

    Tom Waits Or Lola Nova

  8. You are all so lovely, thanks for the niceness!

    darrin- crappity, is that a Waits line? Well, I'm happy to give credit where it is due.

  9. no Lola it's not a Waits line I only compare your writing to his!
    Love It!

  10. Aw that's cute! I love the little button plates :)

  11. Oh, oh, oh! I love that little vignette. I am a sucker for miniatures. I really like how you used the buttons for plates. What do you mean your muse is missing? She may be playing hide-and-seek or changing focus, but it looks to me like she's still alive and well. ;)

  12. Giant buttons for plates, what a grand idea, but all the gravy would ooze out of the holes. Oh well, it works for plastic fruit at least :)

  13. Adorable. See your muse was there all the time.

  14. I love the plates! I may have commented here already on my favorite plaything as a kid - Mom's button "box"!! A round tin, size of a fruit cake, filled with every loose or extra button she ever had. My kid sister and I played with those a lot.

    Nancy in Iowa

  15. Hi Love your Blog.Love the little shelf arrangement too.The muse is hiding behind that shelf :))


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