
Monday, November 16, 2009

Circle Game

I woke early this morning with heart pounding and head spinning with all the things needing to get done today which are compounded by all the things that did not get done yesterday. Add this to a skipped dinner last night and an empty fridge this morning and I find myself a bit dizzy. Me thinks that after dropping off miss ringlet at school, I should get myself to a bakery, grab something splurge worthy to fuel the activity that must take place in the hour and a half before I head back out for school pick up.

Oh dear, I've just now received the phone call informing me that school is canceled. Our lovely teacher Joyce is out ill. Well, this puts a new spin on things.

No need to worry though, it will all sort itself out in time I'm sure. The shop update I intended to post today is looking like a stalled car on the cyber highway. Real life bumping up against my 'best intentions'. Sometimes it can't be helped. The only thing for it, is to don one's 'make way for whimsy' hat...

...pack up the gal, and head tout suite to the bakery for a treat. I am of the mind that layers of flaky butter pastry make everything better.

I'd best bid you adieu as I am getting a bit loopy and the room is beginning to twirl. I shall return with news of progress or at least a full stomach. Until next time my lovelies.
Happy Monday!

Edited to add: I had just enough time for a mini update in the shop, have a look! There will be more coming.


  1. Eat well!

    I think you shoud visit Brittany - if they can't make it with butter, pastry, sugar and cream, they're not interested in it...

    I do hope your unplanned day with Miss R is very special.

  2. PS Pop over and see my friend Olga - she has your socks here:

  3. Ah, one of those days. Hope the bakery was good and you're able to check some things off your list. I'm off to take a peek at your shop now!

  4. i was a twirling last friday just like you :)
    i'm so happy to know you have mastered going around and around in circles... cannot wait to see what you 'voila!' us with

    Tif x

  5. Loved your post & humour... I know that feeling & hope it all works out for a great day for you... just don't forget to breath - big long enduring breaths to take in the loviness of another day, cause in the end it will all work-out in the wash... so to speak OOroo... B

  6. I love that you call her Miss Ringlet,,,,,so sweet!

  7. The Bakery is a priority, don't let anyone tell you different :)

  8. Love the hat! I find cake provides an answer to many of life's ills.

    Pomona x

  9. such a great idea, I love all of your crocheted circles, there wonderful.


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