
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Grattitude Waltz

This last week and a half has been a bit of a rough go 'round here but, even in the thick of it, I have been blessed with gifts of the best sort...and reminded of the joy of small moments and good friends.

On one of my worst days, feeling somewhat shattered and misshapen, the post man delivered the sweetest package to my door.

All wrapped with care, came presents from Pomona of Little Cottage Comforts. I had been fortunate enough to be one on her PIF list. Oh what a truly lovely bunch of goodies!

Some wonderful pieces of fabric and some buttons from her grandmother's button box. That made me feel so special.

An adorable hand stitched needle book and a knitted hair band.

The most amazing hand knitted wrist warmers ever! The yarn is so soft, the colors just brilliant, and yes they are stripey! I adore them so much, I put them on immediately and waltzed around the room!

I am absolutely gobsmacked at the kindness and beauty of this gift, I can not tell you how much it cheered me. Thank you so very much Pomona.

I have also been given a couple of lovely awards by equally lovely bloggers recently. I am no good at this whole award business I'm afraid. While I absolutely appreciate receiving these acts of kindness, in general I don't follow rules very well... and so I just want to make sure I let you know that it does indeed mean a great deal to me.

The top one came from the very kind and creative crzylady who writes Homegrown Insanity blog.
The second one is from Cheri at Along Life's Highway, the yard art game blog. This blog always brings a smile to my face! Please go visit these great folks. Thank you both.

To the rest of you brilliant peeps, thank you for all of your comments, they have certainly made me feel a heap better in the down times. The following picture and love are for you.



  1. How lovely! It's good to see the universe work in such a wonderful way x

  2. Today's voice choice is Yoda...
    'Glorious kitchen, I am seeing'
    Chin up petal! x

  3. Naaawww... you got just what you deserved at a time when you quite needed it - that happened to me last week (the receiving when needing, not the deserving..) & was beautiful.

    YOU are beautiful.

    You have also reminded my that the lovely Katy (above!) passed that sweet blog award on to be, some nonsense about being a blog that brightens her day - and I, like the big forgetful stoopid head that I am... well, forgot.

    I shall post about it this afternoon, so thank you. I am jealous of you stripey arm warmers & thinking perhaps the little something I had planned for your PIF would now pale in comparison!


  4. thank you for the mention :) The award is brillant against your now glowing page!

    And you are right! What a great parcel (those wristies -as we call them - are to die for).

  5. You so deserve special treatment for all of the times you treat others with special kindness.

  6. Oh my goodness such nice goodies! I love those arm warmers- gorgeous! You deserve all of the presents, hope you're enjoying the milder weather. xo m.

  7. such lovely gifts! i am quite smitten by those gorgoeus, colourful buttons...

    and like you, i'm not good at all at following any 'rules' concerning blog awards and such. whenever i recieve one i'm happy, pleased and grateful, say thank you so much and leave it at that. i hope that all good folks and great bloggers out there know that i appreciate them via comments, emails and blogrolls...

  8. I adore the stripy wrist warmers and want some for myself. What a great parcel of goodies you recieved in the mail.

    Thank you for the mention.

  9. I am so glad that they fit, and that they made the journey safely across the big wide ocean from one little cottage to another!

    Pomona x

  10. I LOVE the idea of donning wrist warmers and waltzing around the room! I think I'm going to start a new rule in this house. Here's to a tomorrow of the very opposite of a rough go 'round.


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