
Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello Monday

March came in like a lamb and seems to be going out a lion, reversing the usual order of things. "It's raining hammers, it's raining nails..." and I am busying myself with the Monday chores.

Today I thought I would share a couple of my flickr favorites to tickle you pink.

by jasna janekovic

by dottie angel

by smile and wave

Oh and by the way, since the bunnies and chicks and eggs are on their way, I thought I would mention my Fabric Eggs pattern and tutorial. It can also be found on the right sidebar under the Make it Yourself section. There is still time to whip up a couple of these little treats.

I shall return soon with tales of stitchery.


  1. So much style!! Love it all, especially the fabric eggs.
    Always inspiring!

  2. Weather has been nasty here too. High winds last night. Looking forward to your tales of stitchery. Love your eggs.

  3. Love the top pic, great tones and thanks kindly for the egg pattern!

  4. Such sweet pictures and Dottie is so organized!
    Thanks for the egg pattern, I'm looking forward to making them~

  5. We're having some of the same with March.

    Lovely eggs!

  6. such a pretty and calming post. I could sink into any one of those photos right now with my hot water and be perfectly content :)

  7. I also love anything turquoise. Thanks for the egg reminder. I really wanted to get some of these done... Let's see if I get around to it. xo m.

  8. Hi Alex
    I love the colourful pictures, thank you! I'm totally into bright jolly colours at the moment - the rain and grey skies seem to demand brightness, don't they!
    I may just have a go at some colourful eggs thanks to your pattern :-)
    Wishing you a happy week,
    Denise x

  9. I am a bit of a color fanatic. It drives my friends crazy but color and the way color works together is important to me. In fact bad color arrangements hurt me.

    Lola Nova you have such a wonder eye for color. It always soothes me.


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