
Friday, March 19, 2010

"I'm almost big enough to drive the car!"

Whoa there Pony Girl, not quite.

First, Pony Girl and I would like to thank you all for your sweet comments and birthday wishes. Thank you!

Well, as you may know, plans are just plans and things can change in the blink of an eye. Still, if you can just roll with it, it all turns out ok in the end. Better than ok some times. The party was a success and of course being mama, I was too busy doing to get the photos I would have liked to but, that's ok too.

Yes, there was a pinata! I modified a pony pinata with some rainbow glitter Pegasus wings and it wasn't long before the wholesale slaughter and whacking commenced. Very medieval, barbaric even... but still, loads of fun!

The birthday girl had a blast. I can't believe how grown up she's getting. Many thanks to our dear friends for opening up their beautiful home to host the party. All in all, things worked out just lovely!

On Monday I will share the birthday dress (which became a different dress completely), also for next week, I will share some thoughts on reaching the half way point of "A Challenge of the Utmost Kind".

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. If it wasn't for my grandchildren I would have to say that she is the MOST adorable child around !!

  2. My that cake looks good. And as for the Birthday Girl - she is adorable (lovely dress too!). x

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your photos - I have been thinking about the Rainbow pegasus party! Well, she will be able to drive the car sooner than she would if she lived in the UK...

    I love your comment on my blog about the tree planting idea. So productive and community-spirited. I'd love to see a pic of your trees!

  4. can't wait to see the dress and the wings on the pony are great :)

  5. Pony girl is adorable! Love the glasses~ I remember when my children were small, I often had little vases of dandelions. The grandchildren keep my little vases full now..*S*
    Glad the party was a success! Can't wait to see the dress~
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I love that photo of her! and that cake, yum!

  7. Yaaay! Mum! Great party!!
    She will be driving soon- before you know it... its a terrifying thought isn't it?

  8. What a beautiful birthday girl! And a lovely cake as well - didn't you save any for me?

    Nancy in Iowa

  9. What a cute birthday girl. And the pony/pegasus is great!

  10. That cake looks absolutely fabulous!! The icing is just sooo finger licking good! Mmmm! Glad you had such a lovely day! xo m.

  11. Oh i absolutely LOVE that picture of Pony Girl! She looks so grown up! And Lola was here this morning and i showed her the pictures and she said Pony Girl "looks like a Fairy Princess"..There you go! From one Princess to another! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  12. The thing I always remember most about kid parties (and because everything is a blur) is after the last kid has gone and I do a very large collapse with a gallon pot of tea. Well done, Mum.

  13. Pony Girl is so very very cute. Where can I get a pair of those adorable glasses.

    Did you make them?

  14. Oh just the sweetest!!!
    Love the pics...She looks so much like my Little Miss...Time just flies by...and she will be zooming around before you know it...
    Scary thought isn't it!!!

  15. that cake was awesome and i love your pinata additions- so creative! PG is the cutest thing i have ever seen.


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