
Monday, April 26, 2010

Blue (and orange) Monday

You may or may not recall that I'm attempting a lounge re-do. On a very small scale of course. It took many more coats of paint than I anticipated, even with the priming but, we now have ever so slightly off white walls. The color is called 'Twinkle Twinkle'... how could I resist when it is the song I have sung to Pony Girl nearly every night for the past two years? An eco-friendly paint was used of course.
And now with the walls a blank and neutral canvas, I can dream of what colors I would like to add to the room. Lately I have been inspired by orange and blue, those two complimentary colors have been making me feel happy and lively. So after flipping through flickr, I have found some very happy inspiration that I thought I would share with you!

1. flower by harald guggenbichler, 2. Ditzy Floral Organic Cotton, 3. Untitled, 4. thrifty finds..., 5. O R A N G E, 6. orange, 7. ♥ Nähmaschine, 8. collections, 9. Orange ribbon


  1. This is a gorgeous mosaic, I just love the colours.

  2. Those are very happy colors... and such a pretty collection of photos. Just stopping by to say hello; I have been looking at fellow Oregon blogs today:)

  3. I always enjoy your amazing sense of color.

  4. Well if you can replicate even a smidge of the joy that your mosaic evokes in your 're-do' then I'll be impressed. So gorgeous. I forget about orange...

  5. very pretty :) Living in close proximity to bronco nation we are surrounded by blue and orange (I like your picks much better).

    As a yote I accidentally pick purple and gold a lot but am very retro and love lime green and orange :)

  6. It is so nice to get the painting done and get on with the fun stuff. I love orange all of a sudden, and would be happy, happy to sew all day with that orange machine. My daughter just found a delicious orange german typewriter at a shop on 13th and Hawthorne, wouldn't something like that look great in your new room?

  7. ooooh, i'm loving the orange and blue combo... can't wait to see the new look... :)
    emma x

  8. Yep, I wholeheartedly support your every decorational move - don't stop now!

  9. Great color combination they go so beautifully together and you collage of images is really lovely.

  10. Such gorgeous colours together - they make me very happy too! Can't wait to see more photos of your made-over lounge :-)
    Sending you lots of happy Springtime sunshine,
    Denise x

  11. Great colour choices, very fresh, clean and retro, I too am looking forward to seeing what you come up with, I just know it'll be fab. Love the photos you've truffled out!

    Kate x

  12. Gorgeous combinations. Good luck dreaming up your redo. Can't wait to see the result!

  13. Such cheerful colours. I'm feeling a bit in the mood for orange too, as I'm clearing out all my red, bit by bit, as the weather gets warmer. I don't seem to need the red in spring and summer, and orange is just as cheerful! I can't wait to see what you do with the room.

  14. can't wait to see pics of the makeover.
    so how is mr. nova doing?


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