
Thursday, April 15, 2010

hello apple blossom

you are lovely


  1. Nice photos. I was just smiling at my 2 apple trees this morning, they are just opening up too. Hope all is well, you all are still in my prayers.

  2. Your lighting and coloring are always outstanding (not to mention your perspective). Are you getting it via editing, or are you just that good? :)

  3. Oh those photos of yours take my breathe away!
    We have one thousand apple trees here that are slowly loosing their leaves and going to sleep for the winter. Blossom time seems like a million years away. Springtime is such a wonderful time of optimism and new beginnings and setting fruit, I hope you've got lots of fabulous things to look forward to and plan.
    So terribly sorry to hear about the awful accident. I hope by now things are on the road to recovery and healing nicely. X

  4. Beautiful apple blossoms announcing the arrival of spring. Beautiful soft colors.

  5. thank you. The trees are all a-bloom in my neck of the woods, just stunning!

    Sabrina, I am just that good :) Actually, I'm learning all the time and I do use some editing. The second photo has some screen tint and light grain. I do try to take a picture that needs very little editing but, it's also fun to play with an image to get the 'mood' of it just right. I find my most successful photos (ones that I truly like before editing) are of flowers and plants and that it really is all about the light and how much I love the subject matter.

  6. They certainly are... or true dat as my middler oz would say...x


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