
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's the little things

Sometimes it is the little things, the small everyday joys that remind us that life is sweet and good. Something like an impromptu gathering in the back yard on a beautiful summer night. With friends and family, playing music by candle light and laughter so genuine that it makes your sides hurt.

Or an unexpected parcel in the mail from across the sea with something so beautiful inside you can't stop smiling. This wonderful bunting made from vintage embroidered linens was made with care by Abi of Littlegrubs. I had won something on her blog ages ago and then promptly forgot about it. She recently got in touch with me to say something was on it's way. She could have left it alone and I would have been none the wiser. I am so pleased that she didn't and now I have this lovely bunting proudly displayed in the cottage. Thank you.

The little things that mean so much, that keep us going in rough times, that help us appreciate what we have.

Like finding eggs every day.

...or the best biggest little thing of all, this beautiful girl's smiling face.

What are your favorite "little things"?


  1. Love the banner. The little girl is beautiful. Love the hat and the glasses.

  2. We're contemplating having some chickens. How many do you have? Any advice for someone new to chickens?

    My little thing....hearing my grandgirlie giggle~melts my heart!

  3. My boys saying funny things! As I type: 'Get into the bath, it's not good to be seen naked!' which is really hypocritical in this house - casual nudity being the order of the day with my boys...

    Is that too much information? Anyway, I'm loving keeping a Gratitude Journal, where I give thanks for five things at the end of every day - I find myself looking out for the little things that make me smile throughout the day, instead of forgetting them too quickly - sunrises, birds on the lawn, a kind act... Thanks for getting me thinking about it!

  4. I've got two "little things" that always make life better and more interesting. But I also enjoy cool water on a hot day, a beam of sunlight chasing up the stairs, a sweet little pincushion, things like that.

  5. I love getting up and having the coffee waiting for me. Hearing the rooster first thing in the morning. Having popcorn at night with my honey. Seeing photos of our grandchildren on daughter's blog...Once you start thinking about it the list goes on and on. I like what Floss is doing by having a Gratitude Journal and putting down 5 things every day...
    Cute pic of Pony Girl (always).

  6. such a fun pressie! and it is wonderful to have riotous laughter with friends.

  7. I do love those moments when you just suddenly look around you and feel blessed with your lot in life.
    My fave little things? I love being able to go to bed and listen to the rain on the roof knowing that the rest of house is sound asleep and dreaming, I savour having time to myself to bake,
    I love seeing my kids' faces when I share something with them that they find truly surprising or fascinating, I love something so funny that I crack up everytime I remember it (and isn't it great to cry from laughing so much?) I love a good cup of coffee with a great book on the couch. And don't get me excited on how I feel about getting into my PJs at 3 o'clock in the afternoon...

  8. So true, it's the little things that mean so much, like the two littlest guys playing so beautifully & saying they love each other & thier fun ideas...melts the heart & everything else fades into insignificance...

  9. Got to be the children - an obvious answer but children do say and do the funniest things, ours constantly have us rolling around with laughter. You are so lucky having chickens, I yearn for a flock but it would have to be a large one since we eat so many eggs!

    And thanks so much for your lovely comments about my sewing, they are very encouraging and very much appreciated!


  10. Snuggling in bed with my two boys, remembering the mad things they say and knowing the memory will make me laugh when ever I'm down, finding a real treasure at a junk market, being able to teach some one some thing new, or learning something new my self.

  11. thanks for the lovely post, i've been working like a dog and haven't taken time to enjoy the little things :)


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