
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Let The Sunshine In

I can't be certain but, it is possible you heard some grumbles over here recently concerning the state of our weather. Well, I'm happy to report that it looks as though Sir Summer has arrived at last! Alright, I'm not placing any bets, truth be told it could just be a short visit as opposed to say, an unpacking of his steamer trunk and moving in. Still, I refuse to peek at the weather report nay, I am choosing to live fully in the moment and bask in the glory of the sun's restorative powers.

You should see us, we are a city...a whole region even, of blissed out, smiling and waving and greeting one another with a "how do you do" and "Oh isn't it gorgeous?" Yes, life is grand and all is fine here under the bluebird sky!

This fine turn of events has inspired me to complete the lounge as it's been languishing in it's half done state for too long. That is not to say I can now declare it "done and done", for I'm afraid I am just not a resident of the land of done, nope - I live in a little green cottage smack dab in the middle of the great state of flux.

The mocking couch has been dressed in her summer frock and a few cheerful accessories. Coffee table adorned with a couple of summer roses.

Do you perhaps remember a forsaken desk I found some time ago by the roadside? and the yam colored industrial number I came across whilst on my Seattle adventure? Well, the desk has been given a makeover and it appears that I was right in thinking that they were indeed meant for one another.

Music is a huge part of our lives so, it is also a large part of our lounge. One of our new old record cabinets stuffed to capacity with old vinyl.

Ah, everything feels like summer. Thank you for popping by to visit, why don't you relax next to the fan and have a nice cool glass of lemonade...

I mentioned yesterday that today I would show off more mail but, I simply must get outside and enjoy this lovely summer afternoon. See you soon!


  1. Oh Lola!

    You are making me long for warmth, sun, light... if I were to take a photo of my dull & murky house right now you'd be depressed, it's drizzling & overcast outside & there is a definate chill in the air...

    What do I LOVE about your gorgeous place?

    Apart from 'everything', my fave space would have to be your spiffy music nook - I love everything about it, I want one of my own! Infact, I DO have a wee record nook, but it's not nearly as pretty - add to that the Punky uses the (rather sturdy) record player as a stool and you have something much less striking...

    Looking good hon!


  2. We are all giddy in the region without a doubt. It is kind of like that feeling at Christmas time when everyone is in that really great mood and we all love each other.
    The lounge redo has turned out very smart. And I do believe that instead of mocking she is 'the proud couch'. Perhaps she thinks she is the crown of the room...The roadside finds are a happy lot now, and all is well and most certainly good.

  3. Great pictures! I love the red and turquoise, I actually just registered for some Martha Stewart for Macy's stuff in those colors for my upcoming wedding! Her spatulas come in those colors, haha.
    I'm enjoying the beautiful Portland sunshine, too!

  4. You house looks so perfect, sunny and tidy. Ahhh--- I love it.

  5. Damn lady! You do so know how to dress a photograph (and a lounge!)...enjoy that sunshine and then send a ray or two in our direction - toes on permanent frost alert here...

  6. Everything is so lovely over at your place! The desk came up a treat & I love your record cabinet...

  7. oh so clean, fresh, sweet! so not like my chaotic residence, hrm, perhaps you can come make it sparkly clean, fresh and sweet here too?

    happy midsummer and enjoy the blue skies!

  8. You have inspired me! The summer is here in London too. I must stop hiding inside avoiding the heat. Am off to change in to cooler trousers and the grab the little one and go to the market for a spot of hunter gathering. Thanks x

  9. As always your use of color is amazing. I too like the red and turquoise. You are more than welcome to take all the heat you need from down here. We can barely move.

  10. Aah just lovely!
    There are never enough summer days, are there?
    I stroll through our sunfilled hours at the moment believing it will always be this way - just imagine a world where it was always June?
    Have a great outdoors weekend,
    D x

  11. Ooooo - it's lovely! Thank you so much for sharing your sunshine, although here in Iowa we have plenty of our own. The T-storms seem to hit late at night/wee morning hours, so we have plenty of warmth. But my place is cluttered, still not completely unpacked (and may never be!), so I enjoyed looking at your beautiful rooms.

    Nancy in Iowa

  12. i love your new rooms. and colors. and roadside treasures made over! and your pin cushions. and jams.

  13. two things...first my 7 year old is also lola and loves to look at your blog because you two share a name..haha! she said, "whatever lola wants! my papa sings that to me!" hehe

    second...can you come decorate my house? LOL your's is just gorgeous! i may have to steal some of your inspiration...

    thanks so much for sharing!

  14. We too are experiencing the warmth of Summer, it certainly took it's time in coming, and it most very definitely lifts the spirits! Glad to hear the lounge is coming along.

  15. Your home looks lovely - very neat and tidy, puts me to shame. I love the desk - what a find! And the records, that takes me back a bit, ours are all unloved at the moment as the turntable needs seeing to, I do miss vinyl though.

    You've inspired me to tidy up...

  16. Oh lola...
    Your pictures of lovelyness are warming me up already...
    Your home is looking just delightful in perfect vintage glory...
    I love the little table with the fan...sweet...
    P.S...did I ever mention my sister lived in Oregon...
    I remember her sending me pics of how snowy and brisk it gets there...
    Thank goodness the sun has come out to play...

  17. "The Great State of Flux"! Whose governor would be Heraclitus ("Everything flows, nothing stands still/Change is the only constant" -- that guy)...

    We would be neighbors in the Great State of Flux.

    The yam-colored chair fits so well there with the desk, like strangers who meet on a train and become best friends.

    And my favorite Heraclitus quote, just because...

    "History is a child building a sand-castle by the sea, and that child is the whole majesty of man’s power in the world."


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