
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Today is one of those 'a little of this, a dash of that' kind of posts. We have rolled into June with no real sign of spring or summer in sight but, that doesn't mean we are hunkering down in our grumpy sweaters and staying put on the grouch couch.

In fact, I tried to take the grouch out of the couch by gussying it up for a guest. Some Summer roses and my new new cushions called to action. Yes, I am putting my flowery foot forward and brightening up the place as much as I can.

Helping with the happy was a parcel in the post. I ordered a couple of fab handcrafted brooches from My Bearded Pigeon, the new venture of Cath from chunkychooky. They arrived quicksticks all the way from Australia and they are so flippin' great! Cath was super sweet and sent along an extra lil' sumpthin' in the way of a fridge magnate! Go now and check out her wares, you wont be sorry.

In other handcrafted (granny) goodness; I was the very lucky winner last week of The Royal Sisters amazing new Granny Slipper Pattern! Michelle is a wonder with hook and yarn and keeps coming up with hit after hit of hooky goodness! You can get your very own copy of the pattern in her lovely shop along with other gorgeous things. I can't wait to give these beauties a go!

image by Loving the Vintage

Well now, I am off to see what I can make of this...


  1. So glad I checked in before I head down I-5 so I could see what you have done with your couch. Very lovely indeed. The new pillows look great!

  2. I was saving that window for a solar oven...but if you have other ideas, I'm open. Why, we could make a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl...

  3. The couch looks great. I converted an old window into a mirror. Been done before I know, but I like it just the same.

  4. I think the couch looks great, definitely not a grouch to be found amongst those flowers!

  5. Thanks so much for the heads up- I am glad you like them. Also I am lovin' your tea cup with the little bird- is it attached?

  6. Oh Lola your couch looks very springy to me...
    and thank you for the mention...
    I do hope the weather improves thou and you will not need to warm your toes much longer...
    I love the old window frame...
    I think even though it has only one glass panel you could still turn it up the other way and put some photo's in the glass side and leave the other blank...
    It could look interest like that...

  7. Thank you for all of your couch support :)

    The photo with the Gorgeous Red Granny Slippers and the beautiful tea cup with (I think it's a bird on a spoon) matching tweet, belongs to Michelle from 'The Royal Sisters' and 'Loving The Vintage'. She has lovely taste doesn't she?

    Andrew, no solar oven today.

  8. Lots of gorgeousness going on in your world grumpy or not. I adored reading your granny stories on Michelles blog and am very excited to see what you create from her pattern. I hope the sun shines there soon. X

  9. Love the new couch look but i am oh soooo jealous of those granny slippers. Could they be any more perfect for this dreary winter weather we've been experiencing in Oz? I think not. xo m.

  10. Your couch looks gorgeous & I LOVE those sweet slippers! Looking forward to the outcome of that panel there...


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