
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Together Again

Inspired by a recent conversation with a friend, I had a rummage in the back of my closet...

...and found these.

Which (in younger days) I wore religiously with these...

And now my old beloved friends are together again...

Looking quite their age, showing signs of hard times but still...
made for each other!


  1. oh it's the perfect outfit! i miss my boots are pretty muddy and need a good cleaning, but i'll have to make that happen for the fall. time to reclaim me! thanks for the inspiration..;)

  2. I remember being totally in love with my dungarees when I was many centuries younger but sadly they are long gone. Will you be modeling for us at some stage, I bet there'll be some cracking memories for you!

  3. Ha! I have the exact same outfit n a box stored under our house. Oh the stories they could tell.

  4. "Dungarees and docs" - I wore them religiously!!! In fact when I went backpacking the only footwear I had were a pair of docs! x

  5. My faded green velvet oppie coat was my bestest ever piece of clothing. Wore it day in, day out at Uni. But sadly it literally fell apart at the seams and had to be laid to rest. Love those boots!

  6. Oh.

    Change the black docs to cherry red & make the overalls out of 'tencel' (what every happened to that stuff...?!), and SNAP.

    You might also want to add a flanno with a grey hood, worn over the hands (thumbs through the holes under the cuff buttons), full of holes & fraying, to complete the look...

  7. yep, I am with Vic, black Docs, leggings, band tshirt and flannel or denim jacket, my uniform in the very early 90's..... ahhhhhh....

  8. I can't believe I ever got rid of all my overalls, I had three different shades of denim & LOVED them all, I didn't care that people may have thought I was an oversived child or a farmer, I adored them! Get them on, you'll look great!

  9. Sometimes I feel sad for modern kiddies with all the fancy fashion and sort of sexy styling that goes on (less so, maybe, in the last couple of years, maybe the worm is on the turn.) I think back to student days of grunge, and op-shoppery, and old nighties over t-shirts, and flannies, and overalls- it all seems so much more individual and less about being skinny and conformist.

    Hang on, their music gives me a heachache too...oh crap, WHAT HAVE I BECOME?

  10. Overalls are awesome! I used to live in mine as well, I even had black cord ones, haha what great memories!

  11. The last time I wore my doc's was at university. This has freshen up my memories!

  12. I wore overalls in the 70ties and then when I was living in San Francisco for sabbatical in 2001, I discovered them again in a thrift-store and on cafés! and since then I wear overalls almost all the time, except in the airport security control or business meetings, but when I teach on campus, go on cafés, to parties and of course at home and in my farm house, made overalls my signature, but I am also happy to see a growing number returning to the very best clothing item ever invented, overalls ! yes forgive me for being so over-enthusiastic, I am just happy in my overalls !

  13. There seems to be a huge amount of dungaree love in the air at the moment, and yes I still have my pair from back in the day... unfortunately I look more like Old MacDonald than a rootin tootin cowgirl in mine these days, however they are still my favourite thing for gardening in x

  14. Oh so many memories...
    love them!!!

  15. love the pics! very dexy-midnight-runnerish in looks:)


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