
Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Agony of Defeat

I have to confess, this week has won. It's victory over me was scored in overtime. We were neck and neck there for a bit, I gave it my all and I played my best but, in the end...I was defeated. There was just too much expected of me, the pressure was too intense, and there just wasn't enough time for it all. Oh, there were good times, excellent volleys and the thrill of the game to be sure! The injury was a blow, the tall one ended up in crutches and may have to sit out the remainder of the season. The small one contributed to the downfall with a serious case of attitude and a small dose of the screaming fits...which got her thrown from the game. Don't worry, we are all fine and we shall be back for a re-match you can bet. Still, I think I might just sit the next one out.

See you next week and have a lovely weekend you crazy kids!


  1. Sorry this week has been so rough. Thankfully, tomorrow is a new day and it is never too late to start over. Best wishes.

  2. Ah... you state even the cruddy things in such a unique way madam, I'm sure you're already on the up & up.

    Lovely photo, too, at least the week that was could not steal your creative spark!

    Here is to tomorrow, and next week, and a new day and all that jazz...!


  3. Oh dear, what an honest summary of the kind of week we all know about... Somethimes I've tried to soldier on and pretend it's not falling apart around my ears, but I've discovered that's by far the worst thing to do. Have a wonderful, restful weekend, and if you have time, check out the music on the link in my Wednesday post - I thought of you when I encountered this band!

  4. Chin up old girl, every one every where has those kind of weeks. In fact they seem to be very popular over here at the moment, something to do with the end of the school year I think.
    On the bright side, love the picture, clever you. See something good did happen.

  5. Sometimes you just have to refresh and regroup. New game begins on Monday.

  6. You know, it seems that week has been going around...maybe we'll all have a better time next week. Hope the weekend brings more of the happy. x

  7. wishing you a relaxing & peaceful

  8. your week sounds like mine....looking forward to the recharge of the weekend.

    feel better! rest up, the next game is almost upon us all!


  9. I could almost feel the blows as I read! You are my kind of a gal. No bully 'week' is going to get you down for way...not a Pro in the game of life...Having had a good nights sleep I see you being the Boss of the entire weekend. Have a good one.

  10. oh no....i hate days/weeks like that...i hope you are resting and to you and yours my sweet friend...

  11. That dang week didn't know who it was up against! You will all triumph, I am sure. Hope the crutches and the attitude don't last long. Best to you...

    Nancy in Iowa

  12. Sounds like a crazy week, I've had a few of those lately. Hope it all looks brighter after a restful weekend.

    Just read your Leadville post - looks like an interesting place - and those photos are amazing - that sky! x

  13. Ugh, I know just how you feel.
    I had a bit of a crazy/full on week but I have to admit that at least part of it was self induced. I just do not bounce back from late nights and drinkies any more.
    I hope you l;ot are on the mend and limbering up for the rematch. X

  14. Oh, dear. I know those weeks. Hope you all get to rest up and feeling better!


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