
Saturday, July 17, 2010


Breaking News!
I am happy to report that Suki is now safely tucked into the coop with her pals. She was found under an overgrown bush about a block and a half away from home. The same bush we had walked past 4 times earlier this morning, all the while calling "Chook chook chook, here chook!" We had been moping about with long faces and sad hearts but, Pony girl and I thought we would make another round in hopes we'd get lucky. And lucky we were.

It took some patient coaxing and her favorite whole wheat bread crumbs to get her close enough for catching. Once she was sound in the hen house, her gal pals gathered 'round her with little clucking noises as if anxious to hear of her adventures.

We are so happy to have her home!


  1. This is Grand news..I must hurry out to our coop and tell of the happy ending as the feathers have been drooping in worry...We shall all have a big celebration of Suki's safe return!

  2. phew, that's great to hear!! (although i didn't realise she was missing until i read she was found, i guess that did save me from hoursw of worrying though;)

    hope your weekend will be good now that the shick has been returned safely and well!

  3. Glad she is safe and sound! Even though my girls are driving me crazy lately (soo loud!), I dunno what I would do if I lost one! They are a little family, and when they are being good, they are so much fun!

  4. Phew. Thankfully I saw this post before reading the previous post. Glad she got home safely.

  5. So glad you found her! Silly little thing! xo m.

  6. She's a beauty. Glad you got her home back with her gal pals.

  7. Thankgoodness she is home and safe. Don't you love how the chooks have meetings? My Mr isbuilding a new alcatraz like chook pen to house them after previous horrific disasters and we are all so excited to be almost ready for chooks again. I grew up with them in the backyard and love them so much.
    We had a tree stump in the corner and one would stand up on it and the rest of " the girls" would gather round listening. They are amazing creatures.

  8. glad she is home safe and sound!!! Found it rather cute and hilarious that you posted pictures but if I had a chicken, I would have done the same thing!!!


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