
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Bluebird of Happiness is Tickled Pink

It's been a mad week, much rushing and to-doing and wondering where the time goes. Oops, there it goes slipping out the back door! The next day and a half is all about preparations for our annual music festival and camp out called, Pickathon. You can read about the last two year's adventures here.

In the midst of the madness, I realized last night that I had not made Pony Girl her happy festival dress for this year. Really, I could have let it go since last year's dress still fits and there is a closet full of happy clothes that would do. But you see, I'm a manic sewing mama, and I just could not let sleeping fabric lie. So off I trundled into my basement...I mean studio, and began looking for inspiration.

I remembered a photo of a wee cutie I saw over at Foxs Lane, dressed in an awesome stripey number. In a flash of brilliance, I remembered some fabric strips I had already cut for some wayward quilt project that had gone astray. Some late night speed sewing...

...and Voila!
These photos look much better when clicked!
One Festival Express Skirt! Ready for dancing the days away.

The back...

All I did was sew together 4 inch X 17 inch strips with a 3/8" seam allowance until I got the fullness I wanted. Then I embellished with ribbons and some felt appliqué bluebirds and then sewed the final seam closed making a tube. I then gathered the top of the skirt to fit a separate waist band I made from 2 extra fabric strips. Insert elastic to fit and finished the hem with some pink eyelet trim. Easy Peasy! This fits to a size 6-7. Thanks Kate for the inspiration!

I am hoping to get some pictures of this skirt in action at the festival.
I will be back next week to tell you all about it and give you my new band picks.
Have a wonderful few days all!


  1. Очень яркая , красивая , смелая юбка !
    Мне очень понравилась !

  2. Oh that is just gorgeous, I love those fabrics, red and pink together make me swoon, lucky Pony Girl.
    I just bought some new fabrics, best get busy...

  3. Oh yes, very very nice. It will go down a storm at the festival. Have a lovely time x

  4. Oh just lovely...
    I wish I could whip up a skirt that fast...
    I love the colours too!!!

  5. That is a merry skirt. I love it!

  6. That has to be the best happy fesival skirt I have ever seen and I can picture much twirling around in it too.
    My daughter lives in Happy Valley very close to your event...
    Have a wonderful time, can't wait to hear all about it.

  7. Wow. I love it. And what is really freaky is that I was lying in bed last night thinking that a lovely bright strip skirt was something that I wanted to make Mae. Great minds and all that ;)

  8. Perfect skirt! I so wish I could still wear that kind of thing too! Have a great time at the festival.

  9. I absolutely love it! I'm going to have to try and make one for my daughter, hopefully it will turn out as cute as yours!

  10. That is one Beautiful skirt! Pony Girl will look fantastic in it!

  11. I too was inspired by the skirt over at Kate's but haven'y got round to one yet! Your one is awesome - love the fabrics and the trimmings. One question - you said the bluebirds were made out of felt - can you still wash them? Duh! I see lots of nice things with felt embellishments and wonder whether other people's children just don't get as dirty as mine or if you can just throw them straight in the machine no worries! Cheers x

  12. What a beautiful skirt, love the colours! and the applique.. too cute.

  13. It looks gorgeous and bright and happy and festive!
    I have a half written and photographed tutorial sitting here but now I'm not so sure. Maybe I'll just redirect my emails here. But mine aren't rectangles they are sort of triangle/rectangles sewn together. Hmmm what to do...Have a great festival. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  14. What a sweet skirt! It looks a bit like one I did for my girl, with the stripey patchwork. I love the effect, very pretty!

  15. that skirt, fabrics & colours are screaming festival to me.
    happy festival twirling ♥

  16. When I see the things you make for Pony Girl it makes me wish I had girls. Ho Humm nothing I can do about that one, may be I should just make one for my self. Happy fertivaling.

  17. Lola, you never disappoint with your amazing sense of color. Love the happy skirt. May she swirl in happy abandon.

  18. So gorgeous someone 'round here would love the colours!! And of course I love the birds... have a fab festival.

  19. SO ADORABLE. she is so lucky to have such a talented mom! :)


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