
Friday, September 17, 2010

Lay of the Land

Well, we've just about made it through our first full week of school and I think we are getting the hang of it. We now know where all the restrooms are, the gym, and have navigated the cafeteria with aplomb. I am starting to get the hang of packing lunches, sorting school clothes and going through all the papers that come home at the end of the day.

Pony Girl's first day was a bit overwhelming for both of us. When I picked her up, she had a faintly dazed look about her, glasses askew on her sweet face, sweater dragging behind her and dizzily making her way through the throng of milling children and anxious parents. On the ride home she proudly exclaimed, "I only cried 3 times mama, 'cause I missed you so much!" She then re-enacted her lamentations for me, all with subtle changes in desperation and posture. I asked if she made any friends and she told me yes, their names however, were not forth coming. She did inform me that she "loves monkey boy," (apparently a boy in her class who as of yesterday, remains named only "Monkey Boy").

She is not divulging too much information concerning her school time activities but, has reported that her "teacher is quite nice", that the music teacher is "very musical", and that there have been no tears since Monday afternoon.

I do believe we are getting the lay of the land and that our routines will be second nature very soon. Thanks again for all the encouraging comments, they helped a lot!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Glad you're both settling in. I can imagine it's a big change. All my friends with school-age children said the first day and week were totally exhausting for everybody!

  2. Oh Lola, my eldest is nearly 8 now and has just started his 4th year of full time education. I still only get minimal information. I think it may be the lot of a parent, something about school being their time and home being all of our time.

  3. Hello there - I've been following your progress without time to comment, but I'm so glad to hear it's going well.

    For years Son 2 couldn't name any new friends - he just played with 'a yellow boy' and 'a green girl', labelled according to the colour of their T-shirt!

    Have a great, relaxing weekend.

  4. Very happy to hear that you're both getting the hang of your school routine, love the description of ponygirl at the end of her first day...!

  5. I was doing alright until "I only cried 3 times"..

    It sounds like a match made in heaven, Pony Girl and Monkey Boy, how sweet!

    So nice to hear that the tears have all dried up.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. ohhh...only cried 3 times!
    glad you are both settling in.
    they never do give out too much info when asked. i find my one tells me things when i don't ask!
    happy weekend Ms Lola Nova

  7. What a launch week for her school career! She's an amazing girl, and I'm sure you'll get info out of her eventually - probably in casual conversation!

    Hugs to Pony Girl,

  8. aww, little sweetie...'only cried 3 times...' when i look back at my school years it was mostly a great time. but when i now think of all the kids that have to spend all those hours, days, years in school it really makes my heart ache... there's really no room for free spirits there, but i never thought like that when i was a kid, i loved learning, going to class, all the experiences one got. i guess it's with age one think like i do know, but if it wasn't for just that, school i may not think such though...

    here's to many happy, wonderful, learning school days for pony girl!


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