
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dumb Stuff

The other day I decided to create a homework station for Pony girl. I found a great wooden box in the basement and carefully gathered up supplies. I re-purposed jars and cans to hold the rainbow of crayons, markers, pencils and sundry necessities. I printed up worksheets, made special notebooks and generally had a really good time putting it all together.

I just kept thinking about when I was 5, and how receiving this bright happy box of stuff would have made me over-the-moon happy. Obviously my love of school/office supplies began early in life. I smiled and hummed as I placed everything in the box, glue, scissors, construction paper...

O.k. I know she's in Kindergarten and there isn't a lot of homework but, it's never too early to start good habits. Also, all her art supplies for the daily coloring and drawing sessions are in one place. And, it looks awfully pretty in all it's bright and cheerful color.

On my way to pick her up from school that day I was feeling quite excited. Driving home, I told her that because she had been doing so well in school, I was very proud of her and that I had a surprise for her at home. "What is it Mama?" she demanded to know. "You'll see," I said with a big grin on my face.

She raced in the door and looked around wildly. I had my big "TA DA!" moment and presented her with the box. She gazed at it a minute and said, "No really, where's my prize?" I assured her that this was it and talked about how awesome it was, pointing out all the features. She looked crestfallen and told me, "Mama, that's just Dumb Stuff!" The passion for supplies has apparently skipped a generation so I answered, "Actually, that is Smart Stuff!" She wasn't falling for it in the slightest. "Alright," I said, "let's make play-dough." To which, there was a much more enthusiastic response.

That night, after Pony Girl was sound asleep, I took the box over to the table. I sat down and lost myself in colors and paper. I snipped, traced, colored, glued and lettered in bliss. Oh, she'll come around, I can she resist?


  1. Just dumb stuff? I also happen to love school supplies. I got a box of 24 colored pencils a few months ago and I still love them as much as the day I opened. Mostly because there's 24, not just 12.

  2. I am excited about the box if that counts. I was all happy for her as you described the treasures waiting for her. She will come around, especially seeing her mommy having fun with her stuff.

  3. Aww. It was a sweet gesture anyway. I definitely would have loved it when I was a kid. :)

  4. Children nowadays just don't appreciate the finer things in life now do they?! Glad you enjoyed yourself in the evening.

  5. Oh, I love boxes of "dumb stuff" like that. Office and art supplies are a big weakness of mine. I'm pretty sure she'll change her mind eventually! And it's so good that you can have a sense of humor about it!

  6. I had to laugh, you're so right about skipping a generation. I get the very same look of despair from my girl.

  7. oh dear - I love your box of dumb stuff!

  8. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. You have me in tears and I don't know if its laughter or dispare! Children can bring you down to earth so quickly you can't catch your breath. If only our art supplies box looked so fantastic. May be I need to revamp it. They won't be grateful. They probably won't even notice, but how happy will it make me? Hummm.

  9. Oh lovely I couldn't help but giggle.... a little.... I do adore Pony Girl! (...and of course she'll come around, maybe she'll even present her own daughter with such a special box of... 'smart stuff' when she's a proud & crafty mama...!)

  10. oh no, as we say in sweden "otack är världens lön" ~ ungratefulness is the wages of the world...:) i would have loved such a box of good good stuff when i was a child too!

  11. If I came home to that i would be excited! It is a lovely idea- don't you hate it when they don't get excited over your efforts??

  12. Wow you tell a gorgeous story.
    I love the happy ending the best.
    ANd you're right, how can she resist. X

  13. I think it's pretty awesome. At least you get to play with some dumb stuff if she isn't interested!

  14. LOL, oh well good intentions are rarely noticed by a 5 year old. I loved the box and she will come around. I wanted to play with all the markers just looking at the photos.

  15. I think it's terrific! Let it sit by itself, and she will eventually discover it anew. My favorite "dumb stuff" came in my mother's button "box" - a round tin filled with the most exotic buttons collected over the years.

    Nancy in Iowa

  16. Candy stores, yes, yes, all very nice, but let me loose in an art/craft store and I am beside myself with joy. I think your box looks great & I am sure Pony Girl will come around.


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