
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lola Wants You!

Thank you all for your wonderful and encouraging comments on my 'Mary Go Round' Tutorial yesterday! It got me thinking about how much I would love to see what you come up with if you give it a try so... I have just started up a flickr group called Lola Nova made by You It's a group for you talented and lovely folks to post pictures of things you have made with one of my tutorials or patterns. Just to your right on my sidebar there, is a list of my tutorials under the heading, "Make it Yourself!" If you have given any of these a try in the past I would love it if you would share your projects on the group.

Thanks all and have a grand day!


  1. what a great idea! i love the baskets that you crochet!

  2. ohhh! Even MORE incentive to try it! Because now I can be famous :) Also.. possibly headed your direction 2nd weekend in Nov. I'll keep you posted ;)

  3. I can't wait to show you some pics...
    That is if the weather gets clearer so I can take one...I am trying so hard to be patient but I am so loving my new frames...
    Thanks for a fab tutorial...they were so fun to make...

  4. Oh dear, what HAS been going on?! You've been a'bloggin & a'craftin & I haven't had A CLUE, I follow too many blogs, quite obviously, & it's time to cull.

    I loooooooove your crochet pretties - I want to crochet some bangles, sans petals, oh how lovely they would be! By "crochet" though I actually just mean "have"... ;)

  5. If only I could crochet, and stitching instructions didn't sound like a foreign language. Perhaps I could draw a Mary Go Round instead, perhaps on my forehead, that's more within my capabilitites :)

  6. I agree, great idea! I love to see the way people personalise their own craft from the one tutorial.

  7. Cool! I did the same thing for my tutorials/patterns, but have found people tend not to post to it. If you have success, share your secret! :)

  8. What a grand idea. It will be fun to share the projects just like we are all in class together...I didn't have luck yesterday finding my yarn at the thrift shops (none that had my name on them that is) but I will be in Portland this weekend and will indulge in a visit to Fabric Depot and dig in my drawers at the other house for my old bracelets. It has been awhile since I have had a hook in hand and my fingers are a itching.

    Thanks again and have a good evening.

  9. Great idea, I will enjoy seeing what others are doing with your designs.

  10. Aawwwwww! I want a pumpkin crown. You are a clever old stick, x


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