
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well, looks like I went with the pants for Pony Girl. I had to, the situation was dire. A five year old with a serious lack of pants, with winter coming on... something had to be done.

Pony Girl is an odd fit when it comes to pants. Store bought doesn't cut it. And my last foray into pant making went slightly askew so, I had to try again.

I used a lovely stretch cotton by Moda Fabrics and gorgeous ribbon from Farbenmix along with a few other trims for embellishment. They have been Pony Girl approved.

And as you can see, I did find a way to work on a little hooky goodness by way of a flower charm for the pants!

Now, there are 2 big bags of apples that need attending to in my kitchen!
Have a lovely day.


  1. A lucky little lady indeed - I'm sure you deserve a little hooky time now! x

  2. Just be prepared for the other school moms to start approaching you to make some goodies for their girls. I'd get the biz cards ready!!

    Also if your school is anything like ours, there will be many opportunities to donate a goodie or two for auction items. A little advertising is always good. (This is all assuming it's something you WANT to do). But when they start seeing your goods . . . there will be a demand baby.

  3. They're gorgeous, lucky girl! I love the trims & your special crochet touch.

  4. Damn your clever Mama - I frikkin LOVE THEM. LOVE. I want some for me. AND Punk. *whistles* (...I could go on... just say the word...)

  5. I bet Pony girl loves them, would lvoe to see her in them!

  6. Oh I just sent you and email, and now I discover you went with the pants - and oh boy! They are amazing! I want those pants to wear! I want to be an adult sized Pony Girl !! I am all envy!
    Happy apple cooking,
    Denise x

  7. wow. wow. wow. pony girl is one lucky... pony girl!

    (and i kind of agree with denise, although i would would look silly in them as me, but a gal can dream...;)

  8. That fabric is great, I love Moda. The other girls are going to want those.

    Where do you get your labels, they look so nice?

    Maybe you will share what you do with the apples.

    Have a good evening.

  9. They are probably the bestest pair of pants I have ever seen! I love, love, love them, bet she does too.

  10. ohh wow, pony girl must absolutely LOVE them! amazing & beautiful little touches aswell.

  11. They are so great and I just adore the ribbon. I bet there's one very happy Pony Girl in your neck of the woods.

  12. you do such nice work~ love the colors~ what do you have planned for the apples?

  13. That fabric is amazing! Oh I am so jealous! A is weird with pants.. She is too big for her age and everything is "Skinny" right now so we're up into 7s! but have to cinch the heck out of the tummy and roll up the legs. ARG.
    Hope the apples go as lovely as the pants

  14. They are wild! She is going to get so many compliments on those pants!

  15. What a lucky girl! Can I have a pair too please :)

  16. Gorgeous, gorgeous pants! I will not show Mollie these because she will insist on a pair.

  17. Beautiful pants, pony girl must be the envy of her kindergarten class.

  18. Now they are seriously cool pants - do you make adult sizes?!

    I bet your lovely pony girl is thrilled with them and delights in wearing them.

  19. Love all the details! My girl is hard with pants too. She's too skinny for the length she needs.


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