
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tell me my names

"Tell me my names Mama," she says as I pull the quilt up around her. I recite the First, Middle, and Last names of the pajamaed pixie. "No, my other names, all of them." Well, let me think...

The day you were born, we saw the most perfect spiral swirl of hair on the back of your head, it looked just like the eye of a hurricane, so we called you 'Hurricane S!' When you started to live up to that name... we used it less.

"What else Mama?"

When you were just a tiny baby, you would make these little cries that sounded just like a hawk, so we called you 'Little Hawk.' You don't make those sounds anymore.

"Tell me more names!"

When you were a baby learning to eat new foods, your favorite food was green beans, so we called you 'Bean' or 'The Bean'. We still call you that sometimes.
Grandma calls you 'Princess', Papa calls you 'Bella', Mr. Music calls you 'Sweets', on my blog your name is Pony Girl...

"And what's my special name, what you call me?"

I call you 'Bunny'.

"Yeah, you call me that all the time. Why?"

Because you are my sweet lovey bunny.

"Oh yeah, that's right, he he, I almost forgot."

Sleep tight whatever your name is!

"I love you 'Mama', 'Alex', 'Silly'!"

...and I love you.


  1. That is the bestest most precious thing I have read in a long time...the best bed time story ever. What a little sleeping angel.

    Good night.

  2. She is so gorgeous!!! I love your photos of her. Little girls are the cutest - I had two boys. I love them lots but you know, you just can't dress them up quite the same way :)

  3. beautiful story and pictures. we have had so many names for Busy too... at one point when she was in that drooling age, a few months old or so we used to called her goober wingnut. Her ears stuck out and she had no hair, she has grown into the ears, but Chef sometimes calls her wingnut...

  4. He, he, he. Well done on writing that one down for posterity. Or for a 21st birthday. Sweetest pics of Hurricane S...

  5. Awww, I love that post and your pictures remind me so much of Petal, they are almost little peas in a pod (or beans as the case may be. x

  6. Oh you just made me cry.
    I've been having an 'all I am is a Mum and I am going crazy' moment, but you have just reminded me that that is the most important job in the world and that nothing is better than those moments.
    Thanks! X

  7. That's very lovely Alex, and very personal too. Thank you for sharing with us - it gave me a warm glow of anticipation of motherhood in the new year... we're going to adoption approval panel in November :-)
    Sleep tight!
    D x

  8. Just beautiful. Such a warm, fun and lovely blog you have created here.


  9. Oh Alex she is just the sweetest...
    I think if I were little I would love that story too...

  10. That is just the loveliest way to drift into sleep, how precious. Moments like that make all the tough times melt away, x

  11. ohh, I love this post, it's so beautiful and I can almost hear the little voice asking the questions over & over again.
    i love being a mum, i wouldn't chnage these little conversations for anything!

  12. ...and those pics are A D O R A B L E!

  13. So many names, such beautiful pictures and a story to pluck at the heart strings. Good to remember things like this in the middle of life's chaos.

  14. I think you should write a children's book! LOVED this!

  15. That is just so sweet. We have a million names for our kids, too. I agree it would make a great children's book idea!

  16. How sweet is that. I don't have kids but fear that if I did they'd never know their name. I don't call my dogs by their names at all. And the nickname changes weekly. They ears perk at the pitch - that's how we communicate.

  17. Beautiful pictures, beautiful little girl!

  18. Hi Alex,
    I loved the story and think you should turn it into a book. Some simple illustrations and I think you would have a best-seller. Love, N

  19. Please tell beautiful Pony Girl that she put a great big smile on my face today!

    Nancy in Iowa

  20. sweet pictures, sweet story, sweet moment~

  21. i was going to say precious and sweet, but those words were already spoken for... endearing then!

  22. oh man that is so SWEET. i just love her!

    henry will be so embarrassed when he learns that 'mr. baby pants' was one of his nicknames.


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