
Monday, November 15, 2010

Hello Monday - Calling all elves

Hello lovelies! There has been much talk of the onset of winter here in the little green cottage. Chill and wet with a dreary sky but, we wont let that get us down. No, I have been beavering away on the making and doing, hunkering down and getting to the business end of things. All the while channeling some serious whimsy (wait, whimsy isn't serious)!

Journals, journals, journals! Ha! Whilst I think my latest journals are perfectly suited to just about anyone, I think this newest batch has a certain childlike fancy. Wonderful gifts for young budding writers.

I myself, am a little partial to The Roller Derby Queen here, it's the metal eyelets, they delight me I must say.

...and because nary a day goes by that an enchanted Pegasus doesn't pop up in our imaginary play, I just had to make this little number.

All of these journals have found their way to my little shop, just waiting for their new "for always" homes.

This week I have lots more in the works, I am hoping to bring back the very popular 'Hook Books' and maybe a couple of new things too! I could use some help though, there's still all the presents for family left to be done as if you know any elves who are willing to work for homemade stew and freshly baked bread, please send them my way. It's the little green cottage with the 'free range' chickens wandering about on the front steps. You can't miss it!

What have you been doing to get ready for the season?


  1. They look really lovely, especially the roller skate and pegasus!

  2. Hi Alex
    The journals look so lovely - great colours and designs :-)
    And your header is looking mighty dandy too!
    As for the special season - I've been working on garlands the last couple of days. They'll be part of our gifts to family this year. I love making them because they are totally free-style made up as I go along!
    Wishing you a very merry Monday,
    Denise x

  3. My, you and your elves have been busy! My favorite is the Rocket. Now that you have us all in the crochet mood we may be needing the 'Hook Book' for safe keeping.

    Have a nice Monday.

  4. Well I guess journals are in the air at the moment! I love them. Fab stuff. x

  5. Oh they look just gorgeous, if you get any spare elves arrive send a couple over to me, far too much on my 'to do' as ever! x

  6. Потрясающие обложки !!!!!!!
    Они такие четкие , выразительные и радостные !
    Катя из Сибири

  7. I've decided to go all Egyptian this Christmas, I'm in Denial... hohoho! Actually, there's more truth in this than I'd like to admit. I just can't seem to find my Santa mojo, so if one turns up with your soupy elves please redirect him this way, x

  8. Oh man, I would have died for that Pegasus when I was a kid. I was totally obsessed. I love these! So inspiring. :)

  9. The eyelets take the absolute cake.

    Meanwhile, I hear you need to take a number for those Elf Services. Not that I’ve seen hide nor hair...x

  10. YEA for journals! How delightful - of course! I can already imagine snuggling these new goodies (although I probably should share with others). And YES YES YES for hook books I'm so tired of losing my darned hooks everywhere :)

  11. I so love those skates!

    I could seriously be talked into becoming quite elf-like for some stew and bread. Mmmm. (Now I think I know what we'll be having for dinner some night this week.)

  12. Um...panicking....but I do love your journals, I wish my childhood diaries were as groovy as those.

  13. The eyelets are fab, actually they're all fab. Good luck with the shop, my production line has come to a halt but hopefully to resume at some stage fairly soon!

  14. I can help you if you need it! Not sure I have the skills, but I'm here for you...perhaps I can at least bring you a little bowl of mixed nuts or a glass of wine while you're working. hee hee


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