
Friday, December 3, 2010

It's Friday - time to show off!

First, let me say how appreciative I am of all the gorgeous comments you left for me over my last two posts. You all have brought tears to my eyes with your lovely words and joy to my heart with what you have shared with me. I really don't think there is a better group of people out there, you absolutely are the best of the best. Thank you!

And now for something completely different...a little shameless self promotion! I have finally managed to get a couple of new Hook Books in the shop due to popular demand.

There are a couple of other little gifty items in the shop as well, so stop on by and have a little look-see.

Next week I have big plans, there's been a crafty revolution going on 'round here! I have a wee 'How To' planned if I can get the light to shine through these dark winter clouds for photos.

Have a joyful weekend and I will see you soon!


  1. Beautiful little creations you have here!

  2. Such a great case! Love the cheery orange lining. :)

  3. Such gorgeous fabrics. What a lovely creative mum you are.


  4. how fun!i made one too the other day :)
    -yours are so pretty! love the birds and the floral!!

  5. Beautiful creations in beautiful fabrics!
    Have a lovely weekend. :)
    Vivienne x

  6. The hook books look great! They look very well made, and so pretty.

  7. I love the hook books and my very favorite is Ms. Ida, it is pretty and I had an auntie Ida...All of the things you make are so nicely done.,I have been asking Santa for quite a few things so I guess it wouldn't hurt to add this one more thing.

    I hope the clouds part so we can see what you are up to.

    Have a happy, happy weekend.

  8. Beautiful. i love your attention to detail, and the mix of fabrics and trims. Wish wish wish I could crochet.

  9. I adore your crochet pockets or Hook Books. I hope you are having a great weekend.

  10. I love these, Alex! Gorgeous fabrics and so lovingly made - you're so clever!
    Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment. We'll certainly put together the one gift per household next year too - it makes everything so easy!
    D x

  11. I love the hook books and my very favorite is Ms. Ida, it is pretty and I had an auntie Ida...All of the things you make are so nicely done.,I have been asking Santa for quite a few things so I guess it wouldn't hurt to add this one more thing.

    I hope the clouds part so we can see what you are up to.


I do so love you taking the time to leave a word, I read every comment and they truly make my day! Unfortunately, at this time I am unable to accept "Anonymous" comments.