
Saturday, January 8, 2011

10 in 10 for 10 - Day 6

In My Room - The Beach Boys
There's a world where I can go
and tell my secrets to
In my room
In my room

In this world I lock out
all my worries and my fears
In my room
In my room

Do my dreaming and my scheming lie awake and pray
Do my crying and my sighing laugh at yesterday

Now it's dark and I'm alone
but I won't be afraid
In my room
In my room


  1. can I sneek into one of those suitcases?!! probably not, but they are AMAZING!
    gorgeous mosaic, love the tones.
    happy day Ms Lola Nova ♥

  2. I love that song. I had that album and can hear it right now and smell the Coppertone oil that I had on while sunbathing in my back yard.

    Very nice clock!

  3. Another very nice mosaic. I love what you do with colors. A very mellow song for a very mellow collection.

  4. Cool photos, and a lovely song! you always bring cheer to my day. And I'm delighted that you have inspired Diane to blog more!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  5. Great colours and such an interesting collection of stuff. All this and you didn't even have to leave the house!

  6. What a wonderful idea, I would love to do this also. Is it too late to start? I am going to check out Nancy's too now. Thanks for the lovely photos.

  7. this is such a beautiful post. so many lovely things to look at and wonderful words too.

    a happy sunday to you xxx

  8. How tonal your room is, lovely pictures - very jealous of those suitcases.

  9. Happy new year petal, I am loving the multiple 10 thingy, actually, how do you pronounce meme... I always thought it was meme like pee pee too, but is it meme like phlegm? Urrrgh! x

  10. sorry you are having technical probs.
    hope all is well soon

    hugs xxx


  11. I love every one of these photos! I want to go there right now! Lovely work.

  12. I hope all is well! I send my love....


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