
Monday, January 17, 2011


Today there is rain again, the morning is heavy with darkness, and we are out of cat food. Still...this morning there is good coffee, the ladies are laying again after a long egg-less spell, my family is safe, and I am happy.

Here in the first blush of a new year, I haven't yet found a moment to really consider the days that lay before me. There's a lot of living in the moment going on around here. I've been reading others words for the coming year, goals and resolutions that resonate with me in some way or another. As much as I love list making - oh I really do you know - I haven't made an actual 2011 list. I think I might just roll with it this year and make it up as I go along. I do know that I want to be brave.

It's funny what being brave used to mean to me, compared to what it means now. When I was young, being brave was driving cross country in a car barely held together with duct tape and radio wires - or a yearly solo wilderness camping trip - or moving to an unknown city at the drop of a hat - or jumping off of tall bridges into icy cold rivers - or first kisses. Being brave is something altogether different now, and harder too I think.

I can imagine you reading this, perhaps thinking that my reflections on life are all well and good but, 'didn't she say something about a secret?' You don't miss a trick do you?
Some of you have been visiting long enough to know that I have a passion for music, and that I indeed make music myself. My stitching has slowed down to make way for another sort of crafting. I've taken on a secret project (soon to be much less secret)...and I want to make sure that I say this in the coolest possible way...

This weekend we had the first rehearsal for the new album.

And by 'the new album', I mean the only album. In the spirit of bravery, and to truly live in the moment, I am going to be recording a bare bones album with the help of some wonderful musicians who are getting paid in homemade cookies and beer. All my own material - made to sound gobs better with the talent of afore mentioned musicians. I'm a bit a-flutter about it, excited and nervous, even though it may just end up gifties for unsuspecting family and friends. It is indeed a Brave New Year!

To the sweet reader who sent me a note guessing that I was pregnant, I do hope you are not too disappointed.


  1. oh gosh how exciting. I do hope you are able to share little snippets of your album with us, even just a few chords. That would be lovely. I love hearing new music. I am a little excited about the photo of your guitar also, as I love the sound of a guitar. Whatever you do whether brave, blush or down right scared out of your bones - have a wonderful adventure. That's really what it's all about then hey! The adventure.

  2. Wow, exciting indeed! Hope it goes well. I like your reflections on being brave at different ages / stages - it's funny how our perception of what's brave changes. And sometimes you do something and others say, 'Gosh you're brave' - and you hadn't thought you were at all!

  3. How exciting, looking forward to hearing some of your music!!
    Vivienne x

  4. very cool!good luck with your new adventure :)

  5. Lady, that is some baby you're growing! Hat off to you, oh Bravest One.

  6. I am so excited for you!! (Jumping up and down and clapping.) If I may, I will put my advance order in right now...I can feel your heart in this from your words. Please do keep us up to date on your progress, even if it is just a little 'tease'.

    My sister also thought the secret might be a pregnancy. Maybe that's not so far fetched, as this will probably be like carrying a creation and then giving birth to it.

    I wish you the very best on this fulfillment of your dream.

  7. You are brave in the most wonderful way. You are brave in stepping away from your comfort zone and following at dream. The best to you and I am excited to hear the results.

    Everyone is pulling for you darlin'... go with the flow.

  8. i love it! that is SO GREAT! i can't wait for the finished product.
    and i'm not gonna lie i thought you were knocked up too ;)

  9. Brava! This is so exciting! You have inspired me on a very depressed morning, so thanks for sharing.

  10. Oh my ears and whiskers! This is excitement indeed !!
    I am so happy for you entering your brave new year! You're not only brave but bold and wow! how you do like to go out there and make things happen!!
    Sending you the boldest of brave wishes for a wonderful time creating your album. And i hope we can hear some of it one day?
    Much love
    D x

  11. well now, I do remember you posting something about your sister not so long ago, and me going on you tube and having a listen and being impressed and thinking these must be some very talented girls. I'm so glad when I'm not proven wrong!

  12. i want to hear this brave, beautiful music!
    soooo excited for you!
    oh, and i love your beautiful images - both the lovely blushing curtain and the gorgeous guitar.

    warmest congratulatory hugs xxx


  13. OH! This is such AWESOME news! I can't wait to hear the new music! You GO girl!!!

  14. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY! that is bloody fantastic!! and so brave!! Good on you!!!

  15. Oh Oh! How exciting, and soooo very brave. I do hope we get to hear some of it.

    Love the slummy hair in the last post too - that challenge is also oh so brave, I think you have more courage than you like to think you do.

  16. That's exciting! I'd love to hear what you make, if you don't mind sharing.

    p.s. I'm loving the sun in Portland today. :)

  17. Your amazing...just amazing and I can't wait for every play by play!
    Portland is an amazing place!

  18. Blimey, how cool are you?! I don't have a musical bone in my body (although I was head cymbal crasher during a school production of Hall of the Mountain King... yeah baby!) and have always been in total awe of those talented souls who can pick up a guitar and sing... I'll be watching this space closely, x
    p.s. is the drummer in the band a nutcase? Every drummer I've ever known has been a complete nutter.

  19. Oh my that really is something, and so soon into the new year too, what a great 2011 you are destined to have.

    Hey, rather than 'followers' does that make us 'groupies' now? xx

  20. I had tiny pregnant wonderings too.
    This new plan is waaaaaaaaaaaaay exciting. I also loved your sister's tunes and can't wait to listen to yours.

  21. What fantastic news! Will Pony Girl be one of the musicians paid in cookies? Creating and producing a musical album will have almost all the effects of giving birth to a baby!

    Nancy in Iowa

  22. How exciting! I have no doubt it will be perfectly you, which will make it perfectly cooool! :)

  23. so glad your secret is out! i have been in a complete state of giddiness for you and cannot wait to hear your album, i have no doubt it will be played over and over in mossy shed :)

  24. Good luck to you on the album. How wonderful to start doing things you've always dreamed of. Just wonderful!

  25. how fun!! and yet another great way to "start" the new year with (see i'm reading your fee backwards...:) i wish i could have some such exciting news to tell myself (as 2011 really IS going to be a positive and great year), sadly no. not yet. but i am so happy for you, lovely!!


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