
Tuesday, February 22, 2011


What a lovely long weekend I've had! There was lots of special time with my girl due to school holiday and a gorgeous helping of sunshine on Saturday. Though it was still quite cool, there was no way the small one was going to come inside, or put shoes on. There was chook tending, egg gathering, flower spotting, horse races, daring princess rescues, bug hunting, and sidewalk chalk masterpieces.

I was also most fortunate to get to spend some quality time in the company of a couple of very creative and wonderful women. As grand as this community of bloggers/friends is, and as thrilled as I am to have such kind and talented women within a click of my fingers...there is something truly special about sharing a glass of wine, or a cup of tea with someone face to face. Being able to chat at leisure and laugh out loud together in the company of someone you really enjoy, is a gift and a blessing. It filled me up and still has me smiling. It may be something I don't get to do very often but, I suppose that makes it all the more special.

I am so grateful for this sweet long weekend. I have been inspired, spent some very happy times with my family, and laughed a lot. How lucky am I?

I am wishing you all a week full of smiles and laughter.
Let It Shine!


  1. How I love Pony Girl. She always shines. Thanks for the uplift.

    And I agree, nothing beats that quality time with a couple of girl friends for joy and laughter.

    Have a great week.

  2. From Bloom to Shine - what a lovely set of titles and ideas! Thanks for your cheering photos and stories - lovely to think of you meeting up with friends and laughing together!

  3. Sounds like you've just had a great few days - well done! I used to love chalking on the pavement as a child! Hope the week carries on well for you and Pony Girl :)

  4. Ahhhh the joys of pavement chalk!! Such fun! As is meeting up with friends. :)
    Vivienne x

  5. Hello Dear!
    Sunshine, street chalking and face to face chats with creative pals - it doesn't get any better, does it? I loved reading about your weekend, it sounds as though it was a perfect tonic for you :-)
    Shine On!
    D x

  6. It sounds like the most wonderful weekend! Please tell Pony Girl I really love her chalk art - it must have made all of trees, flowers, birds, and grasses very happy!

    Nancy in Iowa

  7. YEAH!! Can't wait for warmer weather and more sidewalk drawings. Love your wonderful weekend.

  8. Chatting and catching up with girl friends, always helps put every thing right. You sound very chilled after your weekend. Hope P G has defrosted her toes!

  9. Yep, there is something super special about real life crafting companions. Your weekend does indeed sound fun. I hope it continues on into the week.

  10. Sun and snow! I've been aching for Spring, but this little hiccup in the weather has me all smiles.

    Love the photos of Pony Girl. She looks like she's having fun. I miss being a kid. :)

  11. It is so nice to hear that your visit with your guests turned out to be a happy event. I imagine that it would be wonderful to get to spend time, in person, with a blogger buddy.

    I love that Pony Girl chooses the same colors as you use in so many of her clothes and other things you create.

  12. She's definitely got her mama's creative flair!

    I agree, this community is awesome, but there's something extra awesome about friends right in front of your face. I've got my next girls/craft night tomorrow! :)

  13. How i would LOVE to be face to face with you someday! Please hug Pony Girl for me! Love, mare

  14. Pony girl away makes me smile...
    Glad to hear your outing with friends was lovely...I so wish I could be there...

  15. how did i miss this? so cute. i just love her.
    i tried to get henry to do this and he just ate the chalk. sigh.


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