
Friday, March 4, 2011

Lola Interupted

So, I have been taking an unintentional blog break this week due to afore mentioned internet interruption and computer confusion. The situation is still in limbo but, I thought I would take this moment whilst things seem to be functioning somewhat, to wish you a happy weekend. I hope to be back next week with the regular ramblings and random thoughts.


  1. Love your typewriter!
    Have a great weekend. :)
    Vivienne x

  2. Oh, poor you - I hate being offline! Have a good weekend! Abby x

  3. I'll bet you're getting sooooo much creative stuff done though without a computer, there is always a perk!

  4. look forward to catching up with you next week, have a lovely weekend!

  5. Happy Weekend Sugarplum! ;) Sometimes unintentional net-breaks can be refreshing & inspiring, I hope this is one of those sometimes. xo

  6. I could use an enforced computer break like that - I sit here too much! Good luck with accomplishing all the stuff you want to do.

    Nancy in Iowa

  7. After a bad week of no internet ours just fizzed into action tonight. Just in time to be wowed by such a beautiful typewriter. Have a great weekend won't you.


  8. I was afraid that was the case, ugh. Well have a good weekend and hopefully next week will be better...We miss you!

  9. plz tell met hat is really your typewriter. i love it.
    ps-i made a cd called 'girl interrupted' a few years ago. i should send a copy to you ; )


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