
Friday, June 3, 2011

Today I am

Sorting through beautiful ribbons in happy colors.

Collecting a pile of pitching rocks at the back door to defend our ladies from rascally (not the word I wanted to say) raccoons. Two of the critters got a hold of our dear Fran and nearly tore her to bits! Fortunately I was quick on the draw and ran them off. Poor dear, she has a rather bunged up wing but seems to be otherwise alright.

Savoring going through a 'Big Box of Happy' from my mother (who is famous for her big boxes of happy); full of things that belonged to my Nanan. I love the primitive granite ware and crockery.

Gorgeous tea towels and pill box!

Today I am so glad to have my family all together in the little green cottage, with the sun beginning to break through the clouds!

How about you?


  1. What lovely little things to be happy about! I am happy that summer has finally arrived here.

  2. Oh no poor Fran, thank goodness you got there on time!!
    Beautiful ribbons and the little pill box is gorgeous.
    Today I'm enjoying tea and cake in the garden in the beautiful sunshine, you're welcome to join me!
    Vivienne x

  3. Poor Fran...I have words I shouldn't say about racoons too!

    What a lovely box of treasures from your mom. I bet some nice memories too.

    Have a great weekend with everyone back home. Hope the repair on the Mr. went well.


  4. Pretty ribbons. And great treasures from your mom! I took 2 grandsons swimming today - we had such a good time! Abby x

  5. Treasures indeed in that box of happy. Ad thank goodness you were there for Fran. A very hot day today and I chose to rake and clear all the dead stuff from the drive - so HOT - but I'm so glad I've done it now.

  6. Happy homecoming to the family. Lucky you, not only all back together again but that fab box of happy. I got home today to find not one, not two but three cards from the postman saying he had tried to deliver things when we were out. Hope my parcels are as happy as yours, though somehow I doubt it!

  7. Thank heavens your hen is ok, she looks beautiful. Love the sound of a box of happy. Lovely cheery post.


  8. Poor Fran!

    What wonderful items sent for you - vintage family treasures. Really beautiful.xx

  9. So glad you were there to rescue little Fran.

    Beautiful pretties in your boxes.

  10. ohh no, poor little Fran! she looks like our Pepper.
    you have amazing treasures to sort through today, loving it!

  11. What a fantastic day! (Minus the Fran attack. Hope she's ok.)

  12. Poor little Fran, she is so pretty.
    So glad you've been enjoying your happy home.

  13. Today we reclaimed our personal family space after my folks staying for 5 weeks. The in-laws arrive in a week so we sure are appreciating our immediate family time for the next few days.

  14. I hope that Fran is ok. I adore chickens and hope to keep them one day (when we are able to buy our house with BIG garden!). Loving the ribbons!

  15. How lovely to be greeted with a photo of those gorgeous ribbons as soon as I opened your blog! Made me smile! And the idea of a "box of happy" is just too delicious for words! Glad your hen is ok - she is a beauty.

  16. Hi,

    I don't know if you're collecting awards, but I just wanted to let you know that I've just nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. If you'd like to pick it up, please visit my blog on , otherwise just understand this nomination as a compliment on your work :)


  17. Poor Fran- lucky she escaped! lucky you were there to save her.

  18. Fran is lucky you were there to save her!! Oh my goodness! That is a very nice box of lovely from your mother, how sweet. And that pill box is gorgeous! My dad got me something similar to it for my wedding, its one of my most prized possessions. No sunshine here, but I'm enjoying my day just as much as if there was :)


  19. Oh my stars and eyes. Your Nanan's things are treasures indeed. I don't know which I love more, the functional yet beautiful utility kitchenalia or that exquisite pillbox.

  20. Gorgeous blog Lola, I am very pleased to make your acquaintance!


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