
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's that time again!

We are just about to head out to the 2011 Pickathon music festival! Lots to do, much preparation, the weather is looking good and I can't wait.
You can click here to see past Pickathon pics if you like.
It is a long standing family tradition for us, shared by some really wonderful friends and a whole lot of amazing music. I'm off to pack and cross things off of my list.

Have a wonderful weekend all. See you on the flip side!


  1. That sounds like a lot of fun!
    Enjoy. :)
    Vivienne x

  2. Oh my, it seems like yesterday that we were wishing you a fun time at the Pickathon! It looks like the weather will be great for this years event, have a wonderful time and we will be waiting to hear all about it! xo

  3. Hope you have a ball! Checked out the festival and it's looks awesome! xo

  4. has it really been a year since I dreamt of those lovely sun shlter shade things? I love them- have a ball!

  5. have a very very happy time. I haven't made it to a full festival this year and am feeling the loss!

  6. Love creating traditions. Enjoy!

  7. Fantastic photo of those sails!

  8. what fun! can't wait to see your photos~




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