
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

8 is Great!

Perhaps you have been wondering why it's been so quiet over here, or perhaps you have not given it a thought in the slightest. Either way let me has been busy, really busy! Now that school is back in swing, I'm hoping to get back to a solid routine and once again ramble away on my shiny little spot here in blogland.

I am happy to tell you that today, I can be found having a little ramble over on Whip Up. Many thanks to the lovely Kathreen for inviting me to guest post whilst she and her sweet family are camping under the stars!

But before you go over there, I have something of note to say, it's rather important so please stay with me for a moment.

Today is the anniversary of the day that I said "Hell Yes!" to spending the rest of my days with my best friend, The Engineer. Eight years today! It has been the greatest adventure of my life. I love you truly, madly, deeply. Happy Anniversary Darlin'!

PS. The above photo was taken 9 years ago, goodness we were cute and young!

Thank you for your attention, you may now proceed on over to Whip Up!


  1. Happy, Happy Anniversary! Hope you have something devine planned!

    Missed you! xxoo

  2. Happy anniversary and all that! Glad all is well with you.

    Pomona x

  3. Cutie pies! Happy anniversary! Glad you'll be back in blogland soon. :D

  4. Happy anniversary!
    I'm off to see what you have to say now! :)
    Vivienne x

  5. YEA! Congrats! here's to many many more 8s!

  6. Yay! Here's to 8 more, and more, and more...

  7. Aren't you two the cutest! Found my way here via Whipup - lovely guest post you had there.
    Happy Anniversary :)

  8. happy anniversary! and many happy more to come!

    today is my 6th blogoversary, nothing as grand as an 8th wedding anniversary, but still:)

  9. Happy
    Ours is MOnday - 41. My husband still can't remember if it is the 11 or the 12th. Sometimes I confus the two as well. Thank goodness it isn't the 11th.

  10. You are STILL so cute My Sweet, so shut the hell up. Congrats again! xxxx

  11. There is truckloads of evidence that you are still cutie patooties. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  12. Wishing you both a big happy 8th anniversary.
    Here's to the next 8(0)!

  13. Happy Anniversary. Is the Engineer really a ginger or is it a trick of the light? There is no better a hair colour ever!

  14. Awww what a sweet pic. Happy Anniversary guys!

  15. what do you mean when you were cute?
    Cuteness grows i think not lessens. Like old bears the more loved and old they become the more beautiful.
    Happy ANniversary to you too love birds!

  16. I flew home from all the way across the country--and from my new love--to witness that day. Lovely. Lovely. Miss you so much.


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