
Monday, September 12, 2011

A Perfectly Peachy Book

The other day as I was returning home from my run-arounds, I saw that our rakishly handsome postman was just leaving our front porch. I waved a hi-ho to him and he in return waved a hi-ho with a double take sideways glance at my mop. I mean my hair, which had suddenly, since the day before become a bright Dark Cherry Red. I gathered up my bundles from the car and made may way to my door. Mr. Postman said in passing, "You have a package today." Ooh, indeedy I did! There is nothing like a nice looking package in the post to make one's heart do a little happy skip. I put away my things and went through the everyday mail first, saving my package for last. After pouring myself an icy tea, I sat down to see what treasure was waiting for me.

Lo and behold! It was the new dottie angel book! From UPPERCASE, the Suitcase Series Vol. II by Tif Fussell. Oh what a thing of beauty! As I opened up it's pages and looked, I welled up with joy and pride, what a magical book by a friend of the utmost kind!

Tif was nice enough to sign my book personally and I couldn't be happier. It truly is the loveliest book I have had in my hands in quite a long while.

If you are familiar with the ramblings of dottie angel, and certainly most of you are, you will find within these pages more of her wonderful words and stories. Hows about I just give you a little peek at the pretty stuff inside.

I am also deeply honored that she asked me to contribute a little page for her 'nice folks' section.

The attention to detail, the stunning images and Tif Fussell's engaging humor and insights make this a book that I will return to many times over the coming years. Surely it will bring a smile to your dial as well. You can get your own copy HERE. If you are in or around the area of Seattle on Sept. 30th, there will be a book launch for the book with the author.

Well, I think this wraps up my book report. Next time I'll have to tell you all about the tomatoes! Take care.


  1. It looks a very lovely book!

    Pomona x

  2. I cannot wait for my copy to come through the door. It will be a peachy day indeed! Thanks for the sneaky peeks, I'm even more excited now! x

  3. That looks heavenly! and look at you ! IN A BOOK!!!!!Nicely done Ms Lola. xx

  4. Tip top, lucky you! Looks really fab. Picture of the new hair please.

  5. Gorgeous! I've been very excited about this, I didn't know you were in it, so now it's even more exciting!

  6. Oh yes, it it so lovely, and I do feel very lucky to have a little piece of me in the book!

  7. Oooo...I'm so jealous! What a lovely book. I hope to order a copy soon. :)

  8. Hi Lola,
    We haven't met 'officially' but I live very close to Tif (20 mins) and she tipped me off to your blog which has been very fun to read! I also received the book last week and Yippie! to that! Are you coming for the book launch?
    On a completely different note: which hair dye did you use to obtain your dark cherry red hues? I've been looking all over the place but can't seem to find one that actually stays in for a few weeks...

  9. Did you get the goodies, too? An autographed version, WOW!

  10. Oh my goodness, that looks like the most wonderful book. And you are in it!! Hooray...

  11. I so want a copy of that book. How exciting that you are in the book. I once that you were the same person.

  12. Congrats on "your first book" too.

    I am trying to resist this book but no one is making it easy :P

  13. What a lovely review. I can't wait for my copy to arrive!

  14. What an amazing book - so so gorgeous!xx

  15. Oh my goodness it looks gorgeous!!!
    I am trying very hard to be patient with my postman but I am starting to break...He must be keeping in his sack for himself...pouring over the pages of delight and doesn't wish to give it up...

  16. Wowee! How cool that you have a page in a book.... I think I might need your autograph!

  17. Oooo! It looks like a treasure of a book and a bonus that you are in it too! I'm off to check it out!

  18. looks like such a fun book and yeah for you! you look adorable~



  19. I love her and can't wait to see the book...and your contribution as well!

  20. Guess what is lying on my coffeetable. Yes, this book!
    Greetings from Switzerland.


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