
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Not a Sparkle in Sight

Unless you count my button jars.

I have been seeing some serious sparkle and festive goings on out there in blogland. Alas, the festooning and bedecking has not come to the little green cottage yet. The main room, the place that gets dressed up for all occasions, is decidedly bare of holiday cheer. However, it is full up with the tools and trimmings of the "studio". My making space from the deep dark basement has moved camp into our living room for the last few months whilst I toil away on the giant project that must not be spoken of; not just yet anyway.

I was looking with a bit of envy at those of you who seem to have it all together when it comes to embracing the Fa la la la la of decorating for the festive season. I on the other hand, have made a banana cake. Oh it's quite good I assure you, but hardly sparkle worthy.

So, I need some inspiration, at the very least I need to move a lot of stuff out of the living room so I can gaze upon the empty canvas so to speak, and hope for an Aha! moment where it all comes together.

In the spirit of this search for my sparkle, I think I might go a-looking for inspiration out in blogland and share what I find for a wee DIY Friday!

So, how about you? Are you bedecked and sparkling, or are you still imagining your masterpiece?

P.S. I got so many comments on the fabric from my last post, I thought I would tell you what it is. It is a gorgeous voile from the Heirloom collection by Joel Dewberry for Free Spirit. The color is "Amber" I believe. I picked it up earlier this year, but I have seen it still available online if you do a search.


  1. I am neither bedecked or sparkled yet!

  2. We're fairly well sparkled here, 'though it wasn't intentional. We had a warm weekend, so it made sense to get out the outdoor wreaths, and then one thing led to another.... Hoping you find your sparkle too!

  3. mmmm, no sparkle here either...a basement full of totes, but that's as far as it has gotten~ can't wait to see your inspiring idea's!

  4. I am now feeling fully festive after teaching a pub full of people how to make wreaths last night. My house will be decorated on Saturday with the usual jumble of tacky nicknacs and godwhatery.

  5. ohh, we downsized, massively! Got rid of two good sized boxes of xmas decor. Packed a third full up of things to upcycle into gifts this season, and packed two bins with things we don't have room for now. But we do have up some beads, our stockings, rocking horses and owls.. all intermixed with a menorah, mini-Fridas and famiy pictures :) Hope you find your xmas glow soon!

  6. I am needing to clear a space in the living room at the Little House, it sounds simple but it means a piece of furniture needs to go...somewhere! My sparkly things will have to wait for a bit longer. - Good luck with your clearing out process! - How fun to have a DIY on Friday! xo

  7. I don't usually decorate until the middle of December (after DH's birthday) but this year I intend being early.
    I've been baking too - 3 apple pies, 12 mince pies and a tray of flapjack! Oh dear, they won't do my waist line a lot of good will they?
    I'm having my first blog 'Giveaway' hope you'll enter.
    Carol xx

  8. No bedecking here, and nothing sparkly, and likely to stay that way for a week or two yet. My mother sticks to tradition and puts her Christmas bling up on Dec 24th!

  9. Not sparkle in sight here. Or a snowman, which is my usual great weakness.
    scarily too, I'm not feeling the sparkle either. Hoping that it's due to the fact that when I grew up no Xmas stuff was allowed out til December.
    And I think a banana cake is totally sparkle worthy xo

  10. You're project sounds like its been keeping you very busy!

    We won't be decorating till the weekend I think! Its supposed to be today, but we have swimming lessons AND a school disco tonight! :o/

  11. We are bedecked minus a Christmas tree which we'll get this weekend. I did not plan for this--it kind of just happened out of a desire to not do all of the decorating AND do the tree all in one day. I'm liking how relaxed it's made me!

    Love your button jars!

  12. Thanks for the fabric credit, I didn't comment but that beautiful photo went straight into my pinterest:

  13. Oh you're not alone! No sparkle here either - we have too many birthdays and anniversarys in December to celebrate first so I always struggle to get my head around Christmas until much nearer the time.

    I'd take a slice of banana cake over a tree decoration anyday...!


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