
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Once Over

It has been some time since spiffying up the little green cottage has been a priority, but I am beginning to think it is high time that changed.

So today, as the snow turned to slush in a most disappointing turn of events (at least according to Pony Girl), I gave the inside of the cottage a good once over. Looking here and there, with the occasional 'tsk, tsk' and 'oh dear'. Things are indeed looking a bit forelorn 'round these parts.

Gathering up a few bits of fabric, giving them the once over, not yet settling on anything. Still, 'tis nice to contemplate cushions and consider curtains.

Let the spiffying begin!

Have a grand day my friends!


  1. Funky fabrics ... look forward to seeing what they will be transformed into!

  2. I hope you have a great day.
    Since moving to this farm 10 years ago we have never prioritised the inside. We have always been too busy spiffying upthe outside. But the other day we went to the shop and bought 4 cans of white paint and have already started with our bedroom. I am waaaaaaaay beyond excited at the spiffying plans.
    So excited about yours too. x

  3. Those fabrics look just lovely! Can't wait to see which ones you will choose! :-)

  4. great fabrics :)
    they'd make great curtains and cushions!

  5. Oh I'm excited! Gorgeous fabrics you have to choose from, I love a good clean up & spiffying about!

  6. That fabric is delicious..have fun with it! xo

  7. Very pretty - love the green and mustard floral fabric. That would look gorgeous as a cushion.

  8. Very much love that yellow floral fabric! Kellie xx

  9. Ah, if only it were a Once Over Spiffying required around here...

  10. Some spiffying needs to be done here too ... cushions, what an excellent idea for a place to start! I'm off to assess the cushion potential of my fabric store :D

  11. Can't wait to see what you do. I've had new curtains on my mind lately....

  12. i wish a good spiffy would only be needed once..but unfortunately it's an ongoing thing isn't it!

    hope yours went splendidly, enjoy those new cushions ♥


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