
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Braving the Elements

I have been experimenting, creating and culling new elements. Trying to be brave. Learning new techniques. Fitting the pieces together.

Starting a new sketchbook, drawing on ideas from the past, and playing around.

Expanding on recurring themes - vintage elements in a brave new world.

Still uncertain, still wondering what it will amount to, but going along with it. I am enjoying the journey and braving the elements and hoping for a little sun.

What are you up to?


  1. Excited! Can't wait to see what it will all turn into.
    I've been working on some watercolors but I'm suppose to be working on a quilt.

  2. This is looking very exciting Alex!xx

  3. Watercolor experiments. You make me want to start another sketchbook. I already have one, but I like 'starting' things.

  4. looking forward to seeing what becomes looking good so far my love rx


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