
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sewing for Love

It starts with a little thought, or a wish, or a desire, or perhaps even a need to make a dress. It is almost always a dress. A cotton print dress. The kind of dress forms in my mind, a loose idea. Fabric selection then, holding prints up to the light, running my hands over the weft and warp, and making decisions.

Looking through patterns to find a basic bodice that is suitable for what I have in mind, followed by pattern paper and colored pencils. Deepen the armscye, alter the neckline, lengthen the bodice, add ease to the side seams. I scrap the inset cap sleeve idea and instead create a gathered shoulder three quarter length with a princess cuff, oh yes much better.

As I cut out the pieces, my girl is home sick and she watches. She gets up close next to me and asks questions. "How do you know to cut like that and not make a mistake?" "Why do you pin the pieces together here, but not there?" "Can I do the marking with the wheelie thinger?" "Is it time to sew the ribbon on yet?" I answer her questions and tell her it takes practice and patience and love. I give her some tracing paper and the 'wheelie thinger' and show her how to use it, where to make the marks.

As I sew, there is focus and intent along with assuredness; this is what I know. It is in my hands, my head, my muscle memory, my heart and soul. This is how Lola Nova was born, making nice things for my girl; this is how I grew my skills, found my passion, and it is love.

It is a little like therapy; it quiets the chaos and brings me back to myself, it restores confidence and brings joy.

And then there's this...

Thank you for all of the lovely comments and well wishes this week, I truly appreciate them. I am on the mend now and looking forward to the days ahead.



  1. That's so beautifully written. You are one very clever lady that's for sure! Your pony girl looks gorgeous in her new dress. I hope things are on the mend at your place..x

  2. Beautiful dress, beautiful model and beautiful thought process. :)
    Vivienne x

  3. What a LOVEly post, LOVEly dress and LOVEly daughter.
    Carol xx

  4. Such sweet words to go along with that precious dress made by a loving momma...and the reward of a happy little girls face. - So glad to hear you are on the mend. xo

  5. Lovely, lovely post!
    And what a fun girl (with fun boots!) you have there! :-)
    Glad to hear you're on the mend again...

  6. The dress is GORGEOUS! And so is our Pony Girl! Love you!... mare

  7. That feeling when your hands know what they're doing almost without your head is wonderful isn't it.

    Perfect post, perfect dress :D

  8. Beautifully said. I couldn't agree more. And it must be said I just want to plant a great big smackeroo right on those lovely cheeky little chops.
    How do you not eat her?

  9. It looks beautiful on her. I love her questions. They are the questions I ask, too.

  10. What a pretty dress, and for all the thinking, I do believe PG is delighted too.
    Hope the toothy business is all sorted now xx

  11. Gosh theres a lot of love in this post!! The dress is beautiful on your gorgeous girl, I love the poses!xx

  12. Hallelujah and amen, sister!

    Beautiful dress. With perfectly portioned Pony Girl panache!

    XO -Nancy

  13. oh that toothy little grin! whadda girl! you're truly lovely and so is that dress!

  14. So, so sweet...
    One day she may well be writing the same words too :)

  15. Beautiful post, beautiful dress.
    All the best things come from love xo

  16. So sweet, and definitely so full of love! I envy your understanding of clothing construction that enables you to make your own creations like that!

  17. Beautifully told, sounds like the perfect way to spend a day together. Have a great weekend.

  18. What beautiful things you make for your little girl! :)


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