
Friday, March 2, 2012

Celebrating the Hand-Made Life

Today I am joining in with Homemade & Happy's month long celebration of The hand-made life I will be posting once a week for the month of March.

I will share Josie's thoughts:

"Throughout the month of March I’ll be posting one photo each day on the theme of “hands”. I wanted to find a project that could provide daily blog posts, and in my pondering it felt good to keep this series nice and simple.

Why hands, you may wonder? Well, virtually every activity I do each day involves my hands – cleaning, cooking, sewing, writing, playing with the children, gardening, photography itself, tidying up around the house … everything that my day to day rhythm involves … and yours too, I’ll bet.

And in thinking how amazing our hands are, how expressive they can be, I thought it would be great to celebrate them. Sometimes they’re kind, gentle and delicate in their actions and at other times firm and strong. Our lives truly are hand-made, aren’t they?"

Wonderful idea don't you think! Pop on over to Homemade & Happy to see who else is joining in, maybe you would like to join in as well!

Have a happy hand-made weekend!


  1. Brilliant idea! My life revolves around my hands and the things they do!

  2. Hi Alex
    Thank you for linking and joining in the fun !!
    Dough - wow, there's nothing quite like pummelling a nice big ball of dough! You've inspired me to make bread this weekend!
    Happy days to you :-)

  3. this is such a cool idea, I think I will join in too!

  4. What a wonderful idea! Hands are such wonderful things, they allow us to do so many things and express ourselves in all our different ways!
    PS do you know that one of my hands is seriously bigger than the other. I'm right handed therefore it's my crochet hand, and it's like mega hand, probably muscle built up from all the crochet and making , and left one is skinny hand because well it's only really the stuffed into hand.

  5. We'd be lost without our hands. What a brilliant idea.

  6. lovely idea, we agree.. and love your post pic.. and only wish we could eat the result! Helen x

  7. I must make some bread at the weekend! Fab picture...

    Lou xxx


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