
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More good things

Alright, continuing on with the good things...

You may recall that Good Thing #1 was The Weather.

Now on to Good Thing #2: A Bedroom Spruce Up

There has been much discussion of late regarding the painting of my girl's bedroom walls; let's just say that her vision and mine differ slightly. It's not that I have great objection to vivid pink, or scarlet red, or bright blue; it is rather the fickle nature of my girl's passion for color - by that I mean that she changes her mind every few minutes. My suggestion was to go with something in the white/cream range (which was met with a roll of the eyes and a "Booorring") so that whenever she felt the desire, she could change the color scheme with accessories. An impasse was reached and we both agreed to spend a little more time mulling it over before making any long-reaching decisions.

In the meantime, a shuffling and sprucing up seemed to be the order. With the removal of an armoire and the addition of a desk, she now has a creative space of her very own.

The bed was prettied with some quilty love along with twinkle lights. Oh yes, it is a dreamy spot for sure.

Good Thing #3: A Delivery

On Saturday a big truck pulled up in front of The Little Green Cottage to deliver 2 very large crates containing things from my grandparent's home. Family antiques, furniture and a few 'mystery boxes'! It was a little like Christmas. There was a beautiful old dresser, an antique steamer trunk painted by my grandmother, that was once in my childhood bedroom - now claimed by my girl as it is clearly a pirate's treasure trunk!

A deliciously green vintage metal shop cabinet that once held my grandfather's lapidary specimens and will now house my vintage kitchen ware and other doodads.

And of course, the Pièce de résistance!

Oh my yes, that is indeed a Hot Pink Velvet loveseat! I have had my heart set on this settee since I was 7 years old! Highly impractical? Yes! Totally nonfunctional for our space? Certainly! Is there room for it in the LITTLE green cottage? Heck No! None of this matters for swoon it is a hot pink velvet loveseat! 'Nuf said.

I'll be showing you more family treasures as I clear paths through the house; there are still those 'mystery boxes' to go through! It is interesting to have some of these items in my home after growing up with them in my grandparent's homes. It is nice to feel a connection to my family, my history. Now if only I can figure out where it is all going to fit.

Tomorrow I have even more good things to share.

What good things are going on with you?


  1. Oh wow, that couch is truly gorgeous!!! What fun to have some items from your grandparents. I have nothing...

  2. I'm ready to curl up in P.G.'s new space and I'm going to use the twinkle light idea in a corner of the Little House kitchen. - Oh my, that pink velvet loveseat is luscious and a perfect replacement for the couch that mocks you or maybe you could even squeeze it into your bedroom for a real romantic tone. What ever you come up with will be special, as it goes all the way back to your 7 year old hearts desire. xo

  3. What lovely clean spacious places! Makes me want to empty my house and start again. How do you find time to design and keep on top of all the domestic tasks too?!

  4. What a beautiful couch and metal cabinet!! Love both colors!! I just love having family treasures in my home!! :) xo Heather

  5. Love that loveseat. I think it would just about go with any color scheme because it is unique in itself. Love it.

  6. Everyone needs a pink velvet loveseat!

  7. So fantastic, all of it! Enjoy the exploring and treasuring!

  8. All those items are devine!!!
    Such an exciting time opening the mystery boxes - yay!!

    We have an exciting time tomorrow, with the little one turning 6 on Friday the 13th!XX

  9. fun fun fun! lucky you to be the recipient of such wonderful family pieces~ love the color of the metal cabinet!



  10. How gorgeous, I love that seat, there is space in my lounge if you need it... ;)

  11. Treasures indeed! Such a beautiful couch and trunk, I'd be desperately trying to find places for them too!

  12. Hi, my good, very good thing was being publiced in a magazine! You can find the pictures at my blog:
    Hope you like them,



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