
Friday, April 13, 2012

The Really Big News!

I wrote a book!
I sewed a book!

It is truly a most exciting moment for me to be able to finally share with you, my lovely readers, what I have been working on for over 6 months!

Simple Sewing with Lola Nova,to be published by Mitchell Beazley is a labor of love. I can honestly say that my heart and soul has gone into this book and I am positively giddy with the news!

It was awfully hard to keep it under wraps for so long, but now I can shout from the roof tops that little old me wrote a book!

Simple Sewing with Lola Nova by Alexandra Smith is scheduled to come out in the UK this coming September! The US edition will be published Spring 2013!

The book contains 25 step by step sewing projects for family, life and home. A handcrafted compendium sure to provide a little something for everyone, for all skill levels. This book truly celebrates a handmade life!

I will be certain to keep everyone updated on release and all the nitty gritty as we go along.

Oh, but wait! Looky here, it is available for pre-order on Amazon UK! Oh my goodness!

I want to thank you, yes you! my wonderful friends. My readers really are the best and without you, this book never would have been possible, so thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you all a gorgeous weekend!


  1. This is a wonderful news! Congratulations! Now I can't wait to get a copy...

  2. Congratulations!!!
    I'm off to Amazon now to have a look!

  3. oh wow this is amazing, well done. You must be super proud. Any chance of a few sneak previews then?

  4. Yay Lola!! This is great news!! Congratulations and what an accomplishment!! I can't wait to get one!! It looks like such an inspirational and creative book!! Have a lovely weekend, too! ;) xo Heather

  5. Congratulations! I can't believe I have a cushion made by a published author.

  6. I will buy when available, love your work - all the best and congratulations =)

  7. Oh wow! congratulations!
    I'm looking forward to see what's in!! will be very pretty i
    think :-)


  8. Yippeeeee !!!! Congratulations my friend, I knew you would be famous! I can only imagine how hard is was to keep this big news to yourself...I am clapping my hands for you right now!

    I went to The Book Depository and pre-ordered, they are doing a count down for us... 143 days!

    My heart is very full for you! xo

  9. Yay!!!!!
    Congratulations, no doubt it will be a huge success. :)
    Happy weekend,
    Vivienne x

  10. Congratulations! What simply wonderful news. Enjoy the process!

  11. This is absolutely the most fantastic news! Congratulations!

    Nancy in Iowa

  12. Congrats! I had an inkling it just might be a book! Love the cover!

  13. Oh em gee! That is just TERRIBLY EXCITING NEWS! Congratulations, you clever thing. Going to preorder it right now!

  14. Will you sign my bear and elephant??? So exciting!!!!

  15. Awesome news.congratulations!!

  16. That's amazing! Well done on all the hard work and congratulations :)

    Sandra x

  17. Oh My Goodness! This is incredible news! You are AMAZING my friend! Congratulations!

  18. WooooHoooo! That is so exciting - congratulations, enjoy all the glory that is sure to be coming your way! x

  19. WOW!! Hooray for you, that's brilliant!! Very excited for you & busting to get a look! x

  20. Oh WOW! See you have been busy birthing something after all! Heartiest congratulatories on your labour of love! x

  21. congratulations! this is really big, exciting news! hope you have a wonderful weekend x

  22. Such wonderful great news!!! I needed to see something just like this today :) Can't wait to get my hands on a copy ♥ Congrats!!!

  23. OH MY GOD!!! that is so exciting and awesome and well deserved! look at our name in print!!! hugest congratulations to you for the book and managing to keep it a secret!! Yay you!!

  24. OMG that is the coolest surprise ever! Congratulations!

  25. Oh OH OH my goodness!! Clever clever you! how exciting!! xo

  26. i'm so excited for you!!!!!



  27. Yea! What a wonderful accomplishment. We are so proud of you.

  28. How wonderful - I can imagine how happy and excited you must feel :)x

  29. AArgh - been out all day and only just seen this!! Congratulations Alex! I can't wait to get a copy when it comes out here! You must be over the moon! Loads of huge hugs from us, XXXXOOOOJ

  30. Wonderful news. Can't wait to read it. Liz xx

  31. I broke my self-imposed everything bloggy ban just to come over here My Love; again, I am SO FRIKKIN PROUD OF YOU, happy for you, excited & just generally just snobbishly chuffed that MY friend is going to be not only a published author but a published author of the very best, crafty kind!

    This is not the beginning, but it's not even close to the middle of the awesome Lola Nova. *mwah* x a bajillion. xxxxxxxx

  32. Absolutely fantastic! Congratulations!!

  33. Congratulations - what a wonderful achievement for you.

  34. oh wow~that's super great!!
    congratulations, can't wait to see it :)

  35. Yeah!!! Happy dance going on over here!! I'm so happy for you. I know you put your heart and soul into it (like you do everything), and I'm sure it's just the beginning of your crafty empire. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!!

  36. Oh my goodness, see I knew I had the best readers! Thank you all for your encouraging comments, I could not have done this without you!

  37. Congratulations ~ that is truly brilliant news!!

  38. That's brilliant news, congratulations!

  39. Congratulations! Off to Amazon to check it out

  40. Yay! that's fantastic. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. I love your style.

  41. What completely stupendous and extremely exciting news! Hugest congratulations to you, you must be THRILLED!

  42. How lovely - congratulations what an achievement. You have a lovely blog can't wait to have a read - I will hop over to amazon now.x

  43. The world is in for a HUGE treat!!

    From what I know, this book is a gem!

    Congratulations, Alex, ENJOY the ride! You deserve all the best in world!

    *traipsing off to Amazon UK...Do I "order" a book? Or "ordre" a book? "Ordour"?*

    XO -N.

  44. Found you of all places on Instagram. Congrats on the book. How exciting!

  45. You go, girl!

    How chuffed and excited you must be right now.

  46. Wow, wow, wow!!!
    That is such amazing news Miss Alexandra, congratulations! I can't wait to see more... :)
    Huge hugs,
    Emma, x

  47. Ohmygoodness!!!!!!!!!!
    That is just the biggest and bestest news.
    I am so very thrilled for you Miss Alex.
    And so very excited to get my hands on a copy.
    Well done. xx

  48. How did I miss this ... utterly, utterly chuffed and thrilled for you :D

  49. yay!!! awesome, awesome news Miss Lola Nova, such a cool looking book.
    well done, so much love has to be in that book, as with everything you do.
    Can not wait to get a copy!
    yay, YAY, YAY!!!!
    BIG squishy hugs ♥

  50. what a wonderful journey to go on in writing a book - well done and I say that there is always room for another craft book :)


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