
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Always On the Sunny Side...sort of

This blog is my shiny place; my haven of happy where I get to reflect on the good life I have, to appreciate the beauty in the everyday, and where I occasionally ramble on about the goofy, amazing, and crafty things that happen in my real life. (Though I will admit there hasn't been a whole lot of crafty lately.)

I don't like to dwell on the hard times, the heavy days, the tedious, or the crappy in between stuff. However, the truth is it's just how real life goes sometimes, for everyone. And lately...well.

It's been a bit overwhelming these days at the little green cottage. I'm in a slump, a real humdinger of a crappy in between a rock and a hard place kinda time. My thoughts and deeds have been elsewhere.

You know, one of those times when you can't think of anything to blog about...

One of those times when you suddenly realize you haven't taken a shower in a couple of days and when you go to take that shower you realize there are no clean towels because the laundry is your nemesis...

One of those times that you are missing deadlines which isn't like you, but there are so many pressing concerns and sleepless nights and anxious mornings that you just can't seem to pull it together...

One of those times where you have to fight the big bad machine with all your strength and might just to make sure your child gets a fair shake in this world...

One of those times where really lame T.V. ads catch you tearing up...

One of those times that you remind yourself that if you can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all, so you bite your tongue till it bleeds...

Do you have days, or weeks like that?

What do you do when that happens?

I'll tell you what I'm doing today. This morning when Pony Girl pretended to be a little sick in order not to go to school, I pretended to believe her. We went and ate do-nuts for breakfast and plan to spend the rest of this rainy day cuddled on the couch watching movies. When Pony Girl fessed up and said she wasn't really sick I told her, "That's O.K. We're taking a mental health day."

I'll see you soon, but right now the movie is about to start!


  1. It sounds like you are facing a battle that needs more than one soldier in the fight. I realize that The Engineer is probably helpful but most of the school and daily things fall to the mom at can be very lonely and quite a challenge at times especially if your child isn't getting what is needed from school. Schools are required by Federal law to provide whatever a child with special needs requires to learn...Every School! Years ago my sister in law had to fight the Reynolds district in Portland, for my nieces education, it all worked out. I don't know much the workings of this but there should be an advocate for you somewhere near and Now! You shouldn't have to do this alone. - Big hugs!

  2. Aw, well, yes, of course we have days somewhat like that too - all of us! And I think that the main thing is to acknowledge them. My worst injuries (to self, sons, husband and wider world) were done when I tried to brave my way through them and pretend they were not happening. When one can say it, the way you've said it here, then half of the battle is already won. Have a really blessed day of recuperation and plenty of strength for the days to come.

  3. Oh Gawd. Sending *all* the virtual doughnuts in the world your way. Bl**dy laundry. It shouldn't be allowed.

  4. Enjoy! Much love to you! xo Heather

  5. Huge hugs from me too. And yes, that all sounds pretty familiar. Different reasons but here it's been a bit like you describe for a while now. My solution seems to be to eat far too much chocolate, but I do like the idea of a mental health day x

  6. Oh no, this will not do Alex!
    But, I hate to admit, I have those days also more often than not.
    Keep breathing, take tiny steps forward with things that you love and slowly, after you again get some positive results, you will start feeling like your old self again, I promise! :-)

  7. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. I do. Sounds like the perfect thing for you guys to do today. Love to you & your pony girl..x

  9. I'm right there with you! We call it the valley of life. Right now we are in the low part but soon we will be climbing up again.
    My blog has been silent a little too.

    Cuddles, comfort food, and finding reasons to smile help. Hope you start your climb soon ♥

  10. The perfect remedy. It gets better.

  11. Yep, that sounds familiar, and I am all for mental health days. (I also think moms who allow mental health days are very cool.) I just hang in there through them, knowing that there are bright periods and dull periods, and I probably wouldn't appreciate the bright without the dull. Hugs to you!

  12. I recently TOLD my kid she was sick, just so we could stay home together :) Some days it's the only thing that makes things right! Hope you're feeling better soon. I had my 'cranky pants' on this week, a few days at home and I'm 100 times better. But when you're in the middle of it, you don't think you'll ever feel better again!

  13. and exactly what you did is the perfect cure. We call them doona ( like quilt/ eiderdown/duvet , not sure if this word is just Australian) days. Where you just want to stay under the doona. Its always great and always makes you feel better.

  14. I've been having days like that lately too, I know exactly how you feel. I'm finally starting to come out of it and I found the real key to getting out of that crappity-crap mood is to just do whatever makes you happy, no matter what. You have two choices: you can feel bad about not getting things done so you just sit and mope and worry, or you can blow off getting things done and not worry about it, and instead have some fun. Be decadent, be silly, whatever it takes. Because if you're not doing productive things anyways you may as well be having fun. I made indulgent desserts every night for a week and had the leftovers for breakfast, and took a whole day doing my hair and makeup and getting dressed up for a small event, twice! Feels good.

  15. Oh hon. I know exactly how you feel- that is how I spent the first few months of this year. I escaped from it because of those bugs infesting my house...OK, so maybe not a conventional way to get myself out of a rut but I am now back on track.
    Sounds like a day that you and Pony Girl needed. Thinking of you.

  16. It's been ages since I've left you a comment, but I read every post you blog....sending you good vibes and energy to help you along....I think we all crash and burn at some stage, but the good times will roll around again of that you can be sure! X

  17. And I bet your mental health day was just the ticket for the both of you. I'm so sorry you're down in the dumps, it often happens that way .. lots of different things building up towards one great big crescendo .. and I hope you're reaching the other side of it now.
    How I wish we could have another cuppa right now, put the world to rights and make everything ok again.
    Take care, you're doing a cracking job so remember that!

    Kate xox


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